Chapter 19 - A Favor for a Favor

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The moment I sat on the ornate couch his aide, Erix, left tea for us. Before excusing himself, Erix had made sure to shoot a warning look.

By the time I was done talking, Derek's mouth was slack with disbelief. Along with it, confusion washed over his face.

"Say it again." He had only recovered from his minute-long silence. "But slower this time."

I stifled a grunt of exasperation. I needed something from him and I would not want to get on his bad side in such a crucial moment.

I breathed, forcing myself to become the embodiment of tranquility and patience.

I understood his disbelief though, what I was asking must have been out-of-the-blue for him.

"I have a favor to ask you."

Derek nodded, the act so painstakingly slow. "Uh-huh."

"I heard the lease for the unfinished academy in La Serdenia St. had been purchased by a wealthy Western merchant. I want you to buy it from him."

This was the first of many moves. One step at a time.

"You are not even making it sound like it is a request," Derek said, not quite believing still even though I had said it twice. "There are no choices for me to choose from. Why are you ordering me around?"

I picked up the teacup on the low-lying table between us, the aroma of jasmine tea lingering underneath my nose.

"I am not 'ordering you around'. As I have said, I am asking you for a favor."

Derek's own drink had gone cold. He hadn't touched it since.

His bewilderment became more apparent as the crease between his brows deepened. "Why would you ask for such a peculiar favor? From what I know, that building's existence does not concern you."

'And why me?' seemed to be the question he wanted to add. Perhaps he thought better than to say it.

"It does concern me. I want the continuation of that academy's construction. I had long thought it was a waste for it to be abandoned mid progress. Seeing as no one is doing anything, I figured I should take it upon myself to do what is needed to be done."

Derek's violet gaze pierced through me with so much intensity. I knew he was doing his best to make something out of this puzzling situation. It was as though he could find the answers he was looking for if he could just stare at me long and hard enough. Again, thinking—this was out of character for him.

At last, he came up with a reply. "What would you benefit from this?"

"Hmm." I feigned thinking. As if I hadn't practiced earlier this morning. As if I hadn't made a list of possible questions and planned my answers. "You have heard about me, I'm sure. My family had no other option but to find me a husband to keep our household from falling."

Derek leaned back on his seat, his attention solely fixated on me. It was like nothing could distract him at this moment, so deep in thought and concentration. He would not budge if someone were to tell him that the end of the world was in five minutes.

"Carry on," he said.

"When you think about it, why must my family be forced to rely on another man's fortunes to save ourselves? They have a grown, healthy daughter. Why not use her?" I lifted a hand in an attempt to appear more convincing. "This empire prevents me from finding a job or starting my own business. It is due to higher society's standards that deem it inappropriate for a woman to do what a man normally does. In addition, I have my own shortcomings. I do not have the proper education to try my hand in the field of commerce. So even if I wanted to, I cannot do it."

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