Chapter 11 - Mere Coincidences

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It was as though my feet were stuck on the doorway. I could feel the colors leaching off my face.

It took a while for me to process. Of course, Derek had access to this room as much as I did. There was hardly a moment where we weren't together back then; it was only reasonable that he knew where Kovu's room was as well. But what was he doing here?

Derek was holding a piece of parchment. Behind him, stacks of documents and Kovu's magical items were cluttered on the mahogany desk he was sitting on. Shelves were lined with vials, flasks and bottles—some filled to the brim with colorful liquids, some completely empty. A single lantern was giving off a faint light hung on the ceiling, the little flame in it flickering as it swayed. It did not help to calm my galloping heartbeat.

As soon as Derek set down the parchment onto the desk and launched to his feet, I contemplated on turning away and running for it. But it would only make me seem guiltier. Like that time at the ball, I would have to pretend that I'd found this place by chance.

Recollecting myself, I chewed on my lower lip before he got too close. That way, he would not be able to take note of how pale I'd gone. Thanks to the dim light of the space, he couldn't have seen the expression I had made.

Derek stepped out of the shadows, his violet eyes scrutinizing me.

I made the first move. "It is a surprise to see you here, Your Grace."

"How did you find this place?" As expected, he charged head on. Direct and precise when it came to the things he wanted.

He had a neutral expression, doing his best to appear complacent. But the intense curiosity swimming in those violet pools was undeniably clear.

"I got lost. I was looking for my maid, then I discovered I did not know my way around the servants' corners. The next thing I knew, I found these narrow passageways. I figured it would not hurt to do some exploring. What is this place anyway?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." He folded his arms, cocking his head to the side. "Your maid must be so special to you. To be sought out by her mistress personally."

"Indeed, Anya is a one-of-a-kind case. Our relationship as master and servant is unlike any other. Besides, my legs require exercise."

"Were you not scared? Any lady would have turned back instead of going deeper into these dark passages."

I pursed my lips and looked up, making it seem like I was recalling how I had felt. "I was scared, yes. Though I wanted to know what lies at the end more."

He obviously wasn't buying it. "Did someone tell you about this place?"

"I already told you, didn't I?" I sighed. "I lost my way when I was heading for the servants' quarters."

"The ladies of the court are not allowed in such a place."

"How would I know of that rule? It has not even been a month since I came to the palace."

"Well, normally ladies with standings as yours tend to avoid it."

"Why does this feel like an interrogation?" I lifted my chin in defense. "Are you really hiding something in there, Your Grace?"

He inched closer, dipping his head so that our noses were almost touching. "What if I am?"

The way he blurted it out surprised me.

Derek continued. "What if I tell you the only way to get here is through a hidden entrance?"

My gaze wavered, but I kept my expression defiant. "I saw no hidden entrance. I made my way here through a series of complex-looking corridors. You are forcing me to apologize for my terrible sense of direction."

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