Chapter 16 - The Orphanage

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Cynthia had said that Solitude had been founded in our name, when in truth the idea came solely from her. She came to me one day and told me her plans of starting charity organizations to aid those burdened by the after-war effects. I simply helped keep the orphanage running by sending donations once a month.

It suited her personality, I had thought. She did not want to involve herself in court matters but she still sought for the well-being of Solaria. Which was good. I offered her the nod she asked for and added extra assistance along with it.

I had not been there even once since I was too absorbed with running the empire instead.

So, unsurprisingly, I was anticipating this visit more than I was letting it show.

I knew Cynthia would come to the orphanage for monthly inspections. Although the word "inspection" was an excuse, of course. She loved to take a breath of the outside world once in a while, socializing with the common people. I just didn't expect she would keep up at it all these years.

Solitude was a mere hour's carriage ride away, built like a noble's large town house. It appeared big on the outside, but it was even more spacious on the inside. The interior was made of polished wood, the floorboards so clean and shiny I could see my own reflection. And medium-sized metal chandeliers hung on high ceilings.

The place was very much well maintained.

Cynthia and I were led by a cheerful volunteer worker to the Headmistress' office. Everyone we had passed by greeted us with wide smiles, looking sincerely happy to see us.

They did not know who I was, yet since I was with Cynthia—their loyal patron for so many years—they shot me the same expressions they offered their Princess. I waved back every time, their content faces sending a warm rush of emotions inside my chest.

We reached the end of the hallway where a door was waiting for us. The sign read, "Headmistress Mary Cesile".

The worker lowered her head and motioned to the room. "The Headmistress is inside. If you'll excuse me, Princess, Lady."

"Thank you for guiding me like usual, Rosie," Cynthia said.

Rosie's eyes glimmered with gladness. "It is an honor to serve you, Princess Cynthia."

Once she left we entered the Headmistress' office, a bright room with floral wallpapers. A single square window provided illumination to the space, sunlight pooling on top of the desk used by an elderly woman in her fifties.

She instantly shot to her feet upon seeing Cynthia and embraced her tightly. My sister hugged back with the same enthusiasm.

They pulled apart from each other and the Headmistress was the first to talk. "Cynthia dearest, how have you been?"

I wasn't appalled by her usage of Cynthia's first name. For sure, Cynthia had insisted.

"Better." Cynthia beamed. "I found a friend."

Headmistress Cesile's gaze drifted to me, the lines at the edges of her eyes resurfacing with her delighted curiosity.

"Indeed you have, my dear. After all these years, it is the first time you've ever brought someone with you."

Cynthia's cheeks reddened. "I beg you not to disclose my past loneliness just so easily."

I curtsied. "It is wonderful to meet you, Headmistress. My name is Clarisse Lorraine. You may call me Clary."

The woman chuckled, strands of white hair falling on her brow. "How lucky of me, to be addressed so respectfully by two girls from higher society when I am only but a commoner."

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