Chapter 21 - His Involvement

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I didn't have to wait long. The message came the next morning. Much to my pleasant surprise, Kazriel—no, more like Ethan had allowed me to grant my wish for an audience. It was not too formal a request really, just a "talk" between the soon-to-be family over tea. That's what I'd wanted Elian to relay because, obviously, that was what I wanted the Grand General to believe.

And it worked. I supposed Ethan had deemed me harmless, not a threat in any way. What was I but a dainty, normal noblewoman in his eyes? To him, I would not be capable enough to shake off his control over the throne.

Let him hope I was exactly what he thought of me. Let him become blind to the claws hidden beneath my skin.

I was told to meet the Emperor at a small gazebo right beside Cynthia's gardens.

I wound my way through a pavement, hedges and flower beds lining in neat rows at the sides.

It was when I saw a shock of silver hair that my already racing pulse sped up even more. Rass was leaning on a tree up ahead, his two-toned eyes catching my own.

What was he doing here?

I continued walking and schooled my expression into a calm and unknowing one. As though he had been waiting for me, he righted himself.

"Where are you off to?" he asked, sounding sincerely curious. A ghost of a smile was creeping on his lips.

I resisted the urge to wince. Why couldn't he just ignore me and let me walk away merrily? Why must he pour his attention to every stranger he meets?

Rass had always been a social butterfly. And I was never quite grateful for that fact. Instead of a butterfly, I'd believed him to be an annoying fly constantly buzzing in my ears. He was charming, yes, but too buoyant for his own good.

I had taken his country from him but he didn't seem to hold a grudge. Through unexpected circumstances, we knew each other during the war. Not after. My soldiers saw him snooping around our camp one night. A period of talks later, we never would have expected that he'd bring us something that had helped turn the tides in our favor.

He only asked for one thing: That once the war was won, he would have his place in my court.

"Your Grace." I halted and curtsied. "I am heading to meet with Emperor Kazriel. If you have nothing of importance to tell me, I will then proceed walking. I would not want to keep His Majesty waiting."

Rass snorted, making me lift a brow. "You are too stiff. Loosen up a little, Clarisse. Why are you acting like a stranger?"

Rass twirled a lock of hair falling on my jaw with a pointed finger.

I stiffened, stepped back and gently pushed his hand with mine. "What are you doing?"

Even for him, this was beyond bounds. Had his title gotten to his head after all?

Rass' pupils faltered, one a murky grey and the other red as autumn leaves. He was frowning. As though he was the one who couldn't understand the other's behavior. Then he quickly returned to being composed, causing me to think that perhaps I had imagined it. The disturbance in his face was there, and then gone too quick.

"I saw what you did back there," he said with a crooked grin.

"Back where?"

Could he have possibly seen me wreaking havoc at the servant's quarters?

I resisted punching myself. Of course he had. Rass was everywhere and anywhere. He'd never stayed in one place. He had too much time in his hands.

Before he could form a word, I showed him my palm and feigned ignorance. "I do not know what you are talking about. I have someplace better to be, so if you'll excuse me."

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