Chapter 32 - To the Port City

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I observed my reflection in the mirror solemnly. I had put on a white embroidered tunic with lace cuffs, leather pants and knee-high boots. Lastly, I topped the outfit with a cloak that had fur lining its hood.

A few minutes ago, I had asked Anya to gather my hair into a neat ponytail.

I was prepared for travel.

The sun had just begun diving between Solaria's hills. Should I leave now, I would arrive in Cherville at night—earlier if I sped it up a notch.

Anya paced frantically behind me, her hands raked through her braided hair. "This is utter, absolute, complete madness!"

I threw her a dismissive look. "Will you not calm down, Anya? You are panicking over nothing."

Her arms fell loosely to her sides as she gaped at me with pure disbelief. "Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when my mistress is hell-bent on willingly walking into Scarlet Skull territory?"

"You know of them?"

Her expression went slack at my casualness. "Yes, I do. Everyone in the servants' quarters does! The Scarlet Skull is renowned to be the most deadly gang in the whole continent! They are brutes, Lady! Demons! Yet you do not even appear frightened."

Hmm, that was interesting. What would this mysterious palace official get by doing business with the most powerful gang in Solaria?

Ethan was at the top of my list of suspects. He had every reason to stop the Wraiths, of course. Recently we had been despicable thorns in his path to fully controlling the throne. Without us, he'd be free to maneuver Kazriel's strings once more.

But I still had to confirm it for myself. I would not rest until I'd personally drawn out the answers from that gang. Our next course of action would have to depend on who we were really up against.

That way, we'd obtain a clear grasp of the situation.

"I will be fine, Anya. Did you not see what I did to those maids? I am stronger than you think."

She let out an exasperated exhale. "They were mere maids! Men with huge bodies and with blood and violence for appetite, however—they are a different matter!"

"I understand where your concerns lie, Anya. But, truly, I am going to be all right. All you have to do is pose as me for a night. If someone asks, hide under the blanket and tell them you are sick. Then I will return at dawn, whole and in one piece."

Her face crumpled. "You do not sound so convincing."

I replied with a chuckle and secured the cloak's clasp at last.

My gaze drifted to the silk ribbon lying on the dressing table, its mother-of-pearls glinting elegantly. It seemed to be staring back at me saying, 'This is a bad idea. You are being reckless. This is a bad idea. Recklessness has never been your strong suit, Athelina—'

Oh for the gods' sake, shut up.

I tossed it into the drawer, slamming the pieces of wood closed. Never to be seen again.

"Perhaps I should go and tell the Duke—"

"What?" I rounded to her. "Why would you do that?"

She knocked her head backward, lifting her shoulders. "I don't know. The two of you have been overly friendly these days. I figured there is something—"

"There is nothing between us. Do not tell him where I've gone."

"You haven't been wearing your engagement ring."

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