Chapter 36 - The Past and the Present

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I disclosed the information I had learned from the Scarlet Skull to the Wraiths—which wasn't much, really. Though I did not give them in-depth details of what had transpired in Cherville. Just that they shipped their poison here in the palace to an anonymous receiver.

This left us with no other choice but to sniff the bastard out here in the palace ourselves. The ladies expressed their promises to do what they can to look for clues. And as much as I wanted them to be kept from harm's way, I couldn't do anything but to relent. They were so eager for change, wanting nothing else but the good of Solaria.

I had presented them with a chance and they grabbed it wholeheartedly. They reminded me too much of myself when I was a young princess—devoted, inspired, passionate and, best of all, fearless.

This meeting with Derek was absolutely necessary after all. He'd been in Cherville that night, meaning he was looking into this situation as well. He had his men scour Scarlet Skull's headquarters. Perhaps he knew more than I did. Hope was not lost.

My toes would curl every time I recalled our last conversation alone in my bedroom. Without a doubt I would cringe when I see him. Hopefully, he'd let the tension between us cool down first before he asked to meet.

I had left Elizabeth's tea party because I had to go to Kazriel for another "poetry-writing" session.

I rounded the pavement skirting the palace grounds, walking past arches, hedges and ivory statues. The horizon was the bluest I'd seen this season, the wind brisk and carrying scents of earth and moss. The day was particularly lovely... if it weren't for the person sitting on a bench.

I fought the urge to turn on my heels, pretending I did not lay my sights on him. But of course, it was already too late. Rass had spotted me.

His hand shot to the air and his eyes lit up, one gray like steel and the other the same embers of sunset.

He launched to his feet to greet me. Though I did not believe we crossed paths by coincidence. Whatever does he want now?

"Hi," he said, beaming a toothy grin.

"Good day, Your Grace." I curtsied, none too politely.

Rass gave out a low chuckle. "You get more and more hostile whenever I see you, Clarisse."

'Why not? You are upsetting to look at,' I thought silently.

I did not hold any hostility to him. He'd been a great friend—a charming one—in my past life. I hardly had any people close to me, which was why I was nothing but grateful to him. It was just that recently, he had been showing up during inconvenient moments.

I put on a dumbfounded, slightly offended expression. "I'm afraid I do not understand what you're saying, Your Grace."

"It's all right, Clarisse," he said, twirling a finger around the red ribbon on my hair. "I am quite used to it."

I inclined my head to the side, earning a flicker of shock in his pupils. I loathed it when people touched parts of me without my consent.

He dropped his hand, clasping his arms behind his back.

"What do you want...Your Grace?"

"Ah. Direct to the point as always, Clarisse darling." A sense of ominousness weighed down on the atmosphere between us, wiping the smile out of his face. "I hear you've been overly friendly with Derek these days. I advise you to stay away from him."

A laugh threatened to break loose. 'You do not get to tell me what to do.'

"Why is that?"

Rass leaned an inch and I went rigid. "Because for one, you are an engaged woman. Has Elian's prolonged absences made you forget?"

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