In A Daze

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"Each team must have at least one horse and one rider but don't go over four members! The goal of the game is to take other teams headbands and have the most points."

Midnight began explaining the next game of the festival which was a cavalry race. "The points correlate to the place you were in from the obstacle place. Which leaves Midoriya with 10,000,000 points!"

Everyone turned to look at the green haired student that appeared on the screen. 'I would hate to be him.' Zenitsu thought to himself as he watched the boy begin to shake nervously.

Zenitsu began looking around for teams to join. He saw Kirishima teaming up with Mina and began to approach them.

"Hey. Are you guys forming a teaming together?" Zenitsu asked when he reached them.

Kirishima was about to open his mouth, until a blonde pushed him out the way. The boy leaned close into Zenitsu's face, causing him to take a few steps back.

"Nuh-uh! I don't need a scaredy cat who passes out at the sound of a twig snapping on my team!" The blonde
shouted loudly embarrassing Zenitsu, causing him to further separate himself and put his hands up.

"Alright. Alright." Zenitsu began walking around in search for a team again. All of the teams he went to rejected him either because they were full or because they heard what that loudmouth blonde shouted.

Zenitsu was about to give up until he saw the purple haired boy from the tightropes walking over to him. He debated if the boy was coming to berate him and if he should walk off before that, but all the other teams weren't accepting.

The purple haired boy finally reached Zenitsu. He gave Zenitsu a quick look over before pointing behind him.

"My team is over there. Follow me." Zenitsu only nodded and followed the boy closely. Zenitsu thought that the boy must be keeping his words short because he was still mad at Zenitsu.

"By the way, what's your quirk?" The purple boy faced Zenitsu as they were still walking.

"Oh! It's super speed." As soon as Zenitsu answered the boy his mind went blank. Zenitsu felt as if he was in a daze as he felt his feet move by himself.

The race began with Zenitsu as one of the back horses

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The race began with Zenitsu as one of the back horses. 'Ah. That's the guy who called my costume bland.' Zenitsu wanted to speak to his classmate but couldn't. Almost as if he didn't have any free will.

Zenitsu could see everything happen before his eyes but he couldn't do anything. Zenitsu couldn't even warn the purple haired rider that someone was reaching for his band, no matter how hard he tried.

The game continued on as the rider ordered the team to go to and fro collected bands. The rider was about to take another opponents band, until everyone on the field is shocked by electricity.

Zenitsu was able to break through his daze because of the shock. He looked down to see his legs frozen in ice and saw the other teams trapped as well.

Zenitsu looked up to the rider who was looking agitated. "Hey." Zenitsu spoke lowly. The rider snapped his head towards Zenitsu in shock. He began to ask Zenitsu how he broke out of his control until Zenitsu interrupted him.

"I can jump out of this." Zenitsu told the rider. The boy looked around to see most teams still trapped in ice then quickly glanced down at Zenitsu.

"Then do it." The rider gave Zenitsu the go ahead as soon enough Zenitsu broke through the ice. The other horses were still frozen, so Zenitsu stomped on the ice until it broke from around there feet.

"Go to the right first." The rider ordered the horses and he began collecting teams headbands one after one. They weren't noticed because the other teams were preoccupied with getting the ten million point headbands.

Soon enough, the cavalry battle ended. Zenitsu watched the purple haired boy turn the headbands in to the person in charge of point counting.

Zenitsu stood in front of his classmate who insulted his hero costume. Zenitsu waved his hand back and forth but still didn't get a response.

"Man, is Aoyama like that as well? I tried talking to Kaminari but he's not responding." Kirishima slapped his hand on Zenitsu's back causing him to flinch on pain.

"Ow man! I'm fragile, remember?!" Zenitsu turned towards Kirishima quickly and raised his fist up. Kirishima acted as if he was scared then started to laugh.

"Congratulations, on third place! I got second." Kirishima told Zenitsu as they began walking towards the inside of the arena for lunch.

"Congrats! The race flew by it felt as if I didn't even do anything." Zenitsu replied to Kirishima as they stood in line for food.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima questioned as he grabbed a tray. Zenitsu huffed out a breathe before answering.

"I mean, I think my teammate has this mind control power or something. After he asked me to join his team, everything else went by as a blur." Kirishima didn't reply for a while as he was getting his food.

"Let's sit with Bakugo!" Kirishima suggested happily and began to walk ahead. Zenitsu began to falter in his steps.

"Wait who? Who's Bakugo?" Zenitsu asked the air since Kirishima did not answer nor did he look back to see if Zenitsu was following him.

Zenitsu sighed as he hurried a bit to catch up to Kirishima. He sat down beside Kirishima and turned to ask him again, but Kirishima beat him to it.

"That's Bakugo." Kirishima did a grand gesture towards the rude blonde that embarrassed Zenitsu earlier.

"Hell no." Zenitsu rose up to go seat somewhere else but Kirishima pulled him back down roughly.

"You don't have anywhere else to go man, sit down!" Zenitsu grumbled to himself as he poked his food with a fork.

'I really need to start talking to other people.' Zenitsu thought as mentally braced himself for the rudeness he was about to face.

"Bakugo! You were really manly out there." Kirishima nudged Zenitsu causing him to glance up at Bakugo.

Surprisingly, Bakugo mumbled a thanks and just began eating his food. Zenitsu followed suit as Kirishima tried to laugh the awkwardness away.

 Zenitsu followed suit as Kirishima tried to laugh the awkwardness away

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