Not The Impossible Dog

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The recovery bots rolled Shiozaki out on a stretcher and Zenitsu tailed awkwardly behind them. A robot turned to Zenitsu, "You don't have to follow us, your vitals are good." Zenitsu then stopped and watched as they rushed down the hallway.

He then began making his way to the stands. Kaminari jumped up and flagged Zenitsu down.  As soon as Zenitsu sat in his seat, Kirishima scolded him. "You knocked her teeth out. That was so unmanly of you." Zenitsu hung his head guiltily. He begun to think of other ways he could've won the battle. Maybe if he didn't get let her comment get into his head. "No," Zenitsu turned his head towards Jiro who spoke up. "Zenitsu would've lost if he let it continue on. All he was doing was dodging and blocking, really he didn't stand a chance." Zenitsu laughed at her backhanded statement. It was still reassurance he needed. 

"Whose match is up next?" "Oh, I think it's two class A students!" Zenitsu's ears picked up on the audience member's conversation. Looking at the board, he saw that Katsuki and Ochaco were against each other. Kaminari nudged Zenitsu's arm, 'Looks like there might be a Zenitsu 2.0 coming up!" He doubled over in laughter as the two contestants were announced.

Ochaco immediately rushed Bakugo only to be hit by his explosion. Dust kicked up through the arena. "Oh, man I can't see anything." Kirishima said as he squints his eyes to get a better visual. Suddenly another explosion shot off and cleared the dust. Another ton of explosions went off in rapid sequence.

"Oh, poor her. She's so desperate to get even one hit on him." A crowd member shared their pity for Ochaco. "Yeah, and that boy just keeps pummeling her. How can he be a future hero with that evil mindset." "Is he training to be a hero or a villain?" The audience began voicing their displeasures loudly and even began booing.

Zenitsu grimaced and hung his head low. Did the crowd think of him as a villain when he was fighting Shiozaki? Mr. Aizawa's voice came through the loudspeakers, reprimanding the crowd. "Katsuki's fierceness against Ochaco shows that he respects her as a formidable opponent. Are you a pro-hero? If so, then you need to quit and look for another job. It's the ones who don't take every opponent seriously who has an evil mindset!" The crowd became silent until someone pointed to the sky.

"Looks like she had a plan after all!" The audience began cheering as they noticed the giant meteor Ochaco gathered in the sky. She bought it crashing down with the lowering of her arms. Despite the big attack, Katsuki blocked Ochaco and blew up the rocks with his explosion, shocking the crowd. Ochaco fell to her knees and began to crawl towards Katsuki. She crawled about ten steps before falling down. Midnight jumped down to the arena and checked on Ochaca. Soon, she stood up and signaled the recovery bots to get her. President Mic's scream resounded in the quiet arena, "This battle ends in Katsuki's victory!"  

 Zenitsu and Kaminari tried to scoot back to their seats since they left to get food from the concession stands. "I've never tried anything like this! A pretzel, bacon, lettuce wrapped hotdog! Those Americans are crazy." Kaminari laughed as he bit into his food. Zenitsu salivated as he watched Kaminari's bite, and immediately dug into his.

"Now arguably the most anticipated match yet! Izuku vs Shoto!" The audience roared with cheers of excitement. "Oh man! I've been waiting for this one." Kirishima exclaimed as he leaned towards the edge of his seat.  The crowd's screams got louder as the two contestants stepped into the arena. Zenitsu tightly held unto his impossible dog as Kirishima shook him back and forth. 

Immediately, Shoto shot an iceberg towards Izuku, only for it to be destroyed by Izuku's attack. "No way, did he just destroy that ice with just a finger flick." Zenitsu's eyes shot wide open. Shoto continuously shot ice towards Izuku only for them to be destroyed by the finger flicks. Shoto then began making ice pillars to get closer to Izuku.

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