Sir Yes Sir

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"I tell ya why you didn't get any internships! It's because you went and threw up in front of everybody!"

Home wasn't any better for Zenitsu as his Gramps continuously shouted at him. After a few knocks with the cane, Zenitsu trudged into his room. He threw his backpack on the floor and belly flopped onto his bed.

But not soon after, his Gramps followed him inside the room. "Let me see who wants you. Must be a fool." Gramps grabbed the paper of the Zenitsu's limp hand. Gramps cleared his throat before folding the paper back up.

"This guy. Isn't that bad." Gramps lightly taps Zenitsu's leg with his cane. Zenitsu shot up, almost knocking Gramps cane out of his hand.

"Really?! Who is he?" Zenitsu curiously exclaimed. Gramps looked at him incredulously before shaking his head.

"You didn't even read the paper?"


"So you just saw your one offer and cried?"

"I didn't cry..."

"Why you!" Zemitsu flinched as Gramps rose his crane. Gramps took deep breathes to calm himself. He took a seat on Zenitsu's bed and Zenitsu sat close to him.

"You got an offer from Sakata Sibbi. He's  lesser known amongst you youth but back in my day he was top of the top."

Zenitsu hummed in thought, trying to rack his brain for a hero named Sakata Sibbi.

"I never heard of him."

"Didn't I just say he's not known?"

"Then compare him with a hero of today's time." Gramps scoffed at Zenitsu.

"Today's time. He had more popularity than All Might himself."

"More than All Might?!" Zenitsu exclaimed, making Gramps flinch. Gramps rolled his eyes and took deep breaths.

"Yes. He was known all over the world as the brave warrior who always wins. That was back in the day before heros became little makeshift police with their districts and all that. In the world of first come first serve, he always come first and served up justice! A true hero."

Gramps sighed softly as he reminisced the good old days. Zenitsu layed back down and began tugging the covers that Gramps was sitting on, but he wasn't budging, causing Zenitsu to give up.

"And why isn't he popular anymore?" Zenitsu inquired. Gramps looked down towards Zenitsu.

"There was an incident where four major super villains unexpectedly teamed up. Sakata Sibbi was on vacation and the villains saw it as an opportune time to strike. So they did. He was visiting a school, meeting the children, when the villains came. I'm sure they've taught you this. The attack of Vori?"

Zenitsu slowly say up in his bed trying to think. He wasn't a scholar at history, or any subject, but it seemed like this would stick out to him.

"Ah." Zenitsu began snapping his fingers during his eureka moment. "Vori which stands for: Valdis,Otaktay, Revan, and Iqra. Those were the villains who killed one hundred students and teachers." Zenitsu began to mumble as he realized the historic event.

"Yes. The whole world began to think of him negatively after this. 'If he could do this, why couldn't he save the kids.' 'What happened to all that power he had?' 'How good is he really if he couldn't stop four villains?' People began to forget strong those villains where by themselves! Let alone together! That's how Sakata Sibbi was shunned out of society."

Gramps shook is head dissapointedly. Zenitsu stayed quiet as Gramps began to hobble his way towards the door. Gramps turned around to look at Zenitsu before walking out.

Zenitsu pulled his phone away from his ear as Kaminari's loud cackling echoed through the phone

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Zenitsu pulled his phone away from his ear as Kaminari's loud cackling echoed through the phone. Zenitsu rolled his eyes as he stood beside his luggage.

"So let me get this straight! Your grampa already had your bags packed at the door? And told you to leave?! HAHAHAHA!" Zenitus hurriedly turned down the volume which still wasn't enough to stop the odd looks he was getting for people.

"Can you laugh any louder? It's almost as if you're right here next to me!" Zenitsu whisper shouted in the phone, causing Kaminari to flare up in laughter again. Zenitsu rubbed his face in exasperation before hanging up the phone.

Not even a second later, Kaminari called back, and Zenitsu begrudgingly answered the phone.

"Wow, really? Just going to hang up one me?" Kaminari spat irritatedly. Zenitsu sighed as he stepped onto the train.

Saying his goodbyes to Kaminari, Zenitsu sat down in his seat. He leaned his head on the window and peered out as the train departed.

It was only three hours until Zenitsu reached the airport.

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