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Graduation day came quicker than I had thought it would

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Graduation day came quicker than I had thought it would. While I was still a favourite topic of discussion amongst the seniors, it had slowed down over the remaining months of school. On this particular day, though, everyone was more focused on the next phase of life.

I smiled down at my phone which had a congratulations text from Ida. It had taken me a bit of time in therapy, and with Sophie's help I finally reached out to her and apologized for the role I played in James' death. She graciously accepted my apology and told me that she would always view me as a daughter. From there on out we kept in touch.

I pulled at the gold rope that was wrapped around my neck indicating that I was a valedictorian.

"Speech ready?" Andrew came up behind me.

I turned and smiled. "I think so."

Andrew returned my smile as he threw his rope over his shoulders and adjusted it so both sides were even.

"Looks great."

"Andrew! Rori!" We both turned to see Terra running through our fellow graduates. Her robe was open revealing a cute daisy print sundress. "Hey!" She threw her arms around us both and we laughed.

"You guys look good as our valedictorians."

"Thanks." I pulled at the rope again.

"I can't believe we're graduating." Terra looked around at all our classmates. "It feels like we just started school yesterday."

"Definitely not," Andrew and I said in unison.

Terra chuckled. Her eyes suddenly flicked up then back down. I peered over my shoulder to see Chad headed in our direction.

"Hey guys."

"Hi," I replied.

"Chad." Andrew reached out and did their usual bro handshake.

After the Spring Fling, Chad and Andrew weren't as close. I never really got into it too deeply with Andrew, but I was able to gather it was something about morality.

"Just wanted to say good luck with your speech today man."


Chad looked at me. "You too Rori."

I nodded.

Chad looked at Terra who pressed her lips together. He cleared his throat. "Good to see you Terra." He shifted uncomfortably then mumbled a goodbye before leaving.

"You know he told me that he feels like he lost something special with you," Andrew told Terra.

"He did." Terra was looking after him. "And he realized it way too late."

I smiled proudly at her.

"Okay graduates!" Mr. Foley's voice cut through the chatter. "Time to line up! Valedictorians to the front of the line."

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