━ 5 | Mudbloods and Murmurs

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At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in.They got in on pure talent.
No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood.

THE QUARTET PLANNED ON VISITING HAGRID Saturday morning, but Harry and Nova woke up several hours earlier than they would have prefered

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THE QUARTET PLANNED ON VISITING HAGRID Saturday morning, but Harry and Nova woke up several hours earlier than they would have prefered.

Nova was shaken awake with a start, coming face-to-face with Angelina Johnson, her fellow Quidditch member and Chaser.

"Morning, Angelina. Whassamatter?" Nova asked groggily, sitting up in her bed to wipe the sleep from her eyes.

Angelina looked rather annoyed, though not at her, as she answered, "Our dear captain thought now would be a good time to have Quidditch practice."

"You're kidding. It's the crack of dawn!" Nova whined in a loud whisper.

The dark-skinned girl sighed, "I'm afraid not. Something about a new training program Oliver came up with over the summer. Katie and I have plans to murder him if you'd like to join."

"Oh, gladly," the redhead grumbled, knowing full well that the girl was joking but humoured the thought nonetheless.

Nova had told the older girl that she would meet her down at the pitch before she went searching for her Quidditch robes. She changed in the bathroom and splashed her face with some cold water to wake her up, and Nova discovered bags under her eye.

She had stayed up quite late the previous night, along with other nights before that, talking to Tom Riddle through the diary.

Her fears and insecurities had been haunting her more often than not, and instead of burdening her friends with her feelings, she turned to Tom.

Nova thought her problems weren't ones to worry about, and with the full moon approaching steadily, she couldn't help but worry about her father on top of everything else.

While he had her mother doing everything in her power to make sure his transformation went as smooth as possible each month, which Nova knew included her making a Wolfsbane Potion for him every day for a week before the full moon, Remus gains new scars every time.

She often feared what her friends would think when or if they were to find out about her father's condition. Werewolves were highly misunderstood and often perceived as ruthless beasts. Everyone in the Wizarding World knew of this stereotype, and most of the population believed it to be true.

Nova talked with Tom about her fears often, and he offered his comfort without question. She always worried that her friends would leave her once they found out about her internal struggles, so with Tom Riddle, Nova had no worries since he was just part of an enchanted diary.

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