━ 3 | The Dementor

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You're the one who put your legs on me. I'll tickle you all I want.❞
Knock it off, Harold!

NOVA AND HERMIONE WERE WOKEN UP EARLY by Pandora as she knocked gently on their door

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NOVA AND HERMIONE WERE WOKEN UP EARLY by Pandora as she knocked gently on their door. They had gotten changed before joining the auburn-haired woman downstairs for breakfast, where Remus and Arthur sat reading their own copies of the Daily Prophet.

Molly soon joined them, with Ginny and Brianna in tow. Nova ate quietly as she listened to Molly telling the other girls about some love potion she had made when she was young. They were all rather giggly at her story, while Nova laughed lightly as Harry sat beside her.

"What were you saying?" She heard Ron ask from the other side of her raven-haired friend, which made her turn her attention to them with a slightly raised eyebrow.

Harry shot him a look as Percy stormed into the room, muttering, "Later."

"G'Morning, Harry. Ron," Nova greeted before her gaze focused on Harry. He seemed a little out of it, his eyes barely meeting hers before they drifted off to stare at his plated breakfast, "Everything all right?"

Harry snapped his emerald eyes to her worried gaze before nodding lightly, "Yeah. . . I'll explain later."

"Okay," She simply answered, not wanting to push the conversation further despite her curiosity.

Harry didn't have a chance to explain whatever he wanted to his friends in the chaos of leaving. They were too busy heaving all their trunks down the Leaky Cauldron's narrow staircase and piling them near the door with Rigel, Hedwig, Hermes, and Brianna's owl Maeve perched on top in their cages. A small wickerwork basket stood beside the head of trunks where loud spitting could be heard.

"It's all right, Crookshanks," Hermione cooed through the wickerwork. "I'll let you out on the train."

Ron snapped his head in her direction, a scowl tugging at his lips as he pointed at the lump of his chest pocket, "You won't. What about Scabbers, eh?"

Remus had disappeared within the chaos, and Nova grew confused as she questioned her mother, "Mum, where did dad go?"

"Your father decided to head to the train early, sweetheart," Pandora explained just as Arthur announced the Ministry cars had arrived, "He's very sentimental about returning to Hogwarts. Something about wanting to sit in our old compartment."

Nova smiled lightly with an understanding nod, having always liked that about her father. He was a very sentimental man, keeping pictures and gifts from her when she was younger that he liked to look at from time to time. It was something they definitely shared in common.

Everyone followed Arthur as he marched Harry across the stretch of pavement toward the first of the two old-fashioned dark green cars, each driven by a furtive-looking wizard wearing a suit of emerald velvet.

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