━ 10 | Christmas at Hogwarts

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Hermione — Nova — you're not supposed to be in here.
Well, Happy Christmas to you too, Ronald!

THE DOUBLE ATTACK on Justin and Sir Nicholas turned a normal nervous discussion into a full-blown panic

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THE DOUBLE ATTACK on Justin and Sir Nicholas turned a normal nervous discussion into a full-blown panic.

Nova felt terrible the second she heard what had happened when Harry left the library. Not only did he get caught near the crime scene and have been escorted to Professor Dumbledore's office, but he was again taking the hit for something she knew she had a part of.

It was another time she had blacked out. Another time she had no idea what she was doing or where she was going.

Another time she had unintentionally hurt someone.

The guilt consumed her the entire time she ranted to Tom Riddle in the diary. Tear stains littered the pages late at night as they disappeared with the ink from her quill;

Dear Tom,
There was another attack the other day, and I don't have a clue where I was. Am I going mad? What's wrong with me? Why can't I remember anything? I know I have something to do with the attacks, but I don't want to hurt anyone! Tom, what am I going to do?

Curiously, it was Sir Nickolas' fate that seemed to worry people most. What could possibly do that to a ghost? People asked each other; what terrible power could harm someone who was already dead?

There was almost a stampede to book seats on the Hogwarts Express so students could go home for Christmas.

"At this rate, we'll be the only ones left," Ron had told Harry, Nova, and Hermione. "Us, Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle. What a jolly holiday it's going to be."

Crabbe and Goyle, who always did whatever Draco did, had signed up to stay for the holidays. Pansy was going to go home for the holidays, but the second she saw Draco sign up to stay at Hogwarts, she put her name down to stay as well.

Nova had gone to see Pandora the day everyone was set to leave for the holidays. They used that time to catch up and talk. Pandora asked how her classes have been going and Nova was honest and told her she was having a bit of trouble, but was getting help from Hermione.

"Have you been feeling all right, sweetheart? You've been looking quite pale recently. Have you been eating properly?" Pandora had questioned before Nova had turned to leave her office.

Nova froze, unsure of what to say. She knew the right thing to do was be honest with her mother, but the gnawing fear of what she would think of her clawed at her brain.

Fiddling with the star necklace her parents had gotten for her as a Christmas present last year, she gave her mother a nervous smile as she bent the truth, "Yeah, Oliver is really heavy on early practises this year, so it's more draining since I don't have time to eat those mornings. S'all, Mum, no big deal! I'll try to wake up earlier to eat, I promise."

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