Chapter 1: Wishing

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This girl is absolutely AMAZING AT WRITING. I wanted to show her writing to the world. She incredible. Go to and read all of her other stories as well. Tell her what you think on her tumblr or just comment on here:) Hope you guys enjoy! 


It was another typical day at school. I sat in English class, not paying attention as usual. Actually I was paying attention to something, someone rather, it just wasn’t the teacher. It was him of course. I stared at the back of his head. His curls fell perfectly against his neck. They looked so soft. In fact, they were. I had a sudden urge to run my fingers through his hair. He shook his hair to the side and swiped it out of his face. I loved it when he did that. It made me so weak…

“Brittany?” my teacher called.

“Huh?” I replied, raising my head. She rolled her eyes and called on some else instead.

He turned around and smiled at me. “Get your shit together babe,” he joked. His name was Harry; well known for his gorgeous smile and cheeky attitude. I loved him, I really did. There was nothing I could do about it. Sure, I could tell him, but it wasn’t quite that easy. I’d been friends with Harry since primary school.

Eight years ago, I never would’ve imagined I’d feel this way about him today. He says I’m like a sister to him. Cliché, but it was true. He’s never seen me for anything more than a best friend or a sister. I still had some hope that one day we’d be together though. Sometimes people change their minds, right?

The bell rang and shocked me out of my daydream.

“Don’t forget that we have our last test of the year on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.” The teacher shouted over the scraping chairs as everyone tried to see who could exit the room fastest. I stayed seated, shoving my books into my bag as I watched Harry out of the corner of my eye.

He stood, doing the adorable hair swipe again before pulling his backpack on and heading towards the door with the pretty girl who sat next to him. I tried to hide my pout as he chivalrously held the door for her, using one of his large hands on the small of her back to guide her through. Why couldn’t that be me? Why couldn’t Harry see…

“Oye, babe, are you coming?”

I glanced up in surprise to see Harry’s amused face waiting by the door, “Unless you plan on missing the bus and walking home, we don’t have much time.”

“Oh yeah sorry,” I jumped up and hurried over to Harry, who gave me a bright smile.

“It’s okay love, I know how you get.” I walked past Harry to leave the room and he placed his hands on my shoulders, pushing me gently into the hall as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “I have something to tell you.”

I felt a shiver run up my spine at the touch of Harry’s warm breath on my neck. What did he want to tell me? It couldn’t possibly what I wanted to hear could it? Nah, there was no way.

We stopped at my locker and Harry spun the dial, pulling it open. A shower of confetti fell out on to my head as I stood there in shock.

“Surprise!” Harry laughed and brushed the colorful flakes from my hair. “We’re going on a road trip!”

I didn’t know what to say, so I blurted out the first thing to pop into my head. “Why the hell did I give you my locker combination?”

“Cause you love me,” Harry reached over my shoulder and grabbed a few books from the top shelf to shove into his bag. “But aren’t you missing the most important thing here?”

“You got confetti in my hair, it’s gonna take forever to get it out.”

Harry sighed, grabbed my math book, and slammed my locker shut. “Here,” he held out the book, “stop worrying about your hair and start thing about how awesome this is going to be. All summer on the road, just me you, Brad, Riley, and Marcus.”

I took the book and wrapped it in my arms as we started to walk towards the school exit, “Why am I going on a road trip with you and your band mates?”

“Because,” Harry held open the door for me, “you’re my best friend and I want you to come.”

“What’s the point of this anyway?”

“Glad you asked,” Harry draped a strong arm over my shoulder and waved his other hand across the sky, as if painting a picture for me. “You see, we have decided to take our talents on the road this summer and grace the rest of the country with our amazingness. Weddings, coffee shops, bars, whatever it takes. We want to get noticed. And we’re bringing you along for the ride.”

“How very lovely of you,” I replied dryly as we started up the stairs of our bus. “You, me, and three guys that annoy the crap out of me. Sounds like the perfect summer.” I wish it was just you and me, I though silently as I dropped into the first empty seat.

Harry slid in next to me, purposely squishing me up against the window as he stretched out. “No sarcasm allowed on our wonder tour.”

“Wonder tour?” I murmured. “That’s what you’re calling it?”

Harry shrugged, giving me the half smile that made me weak at the knees and wiped my mind blank. “The name is a work in progress.”

“So,” I tried to ignore the electric shock that Harry’s bare knee resting against mine caused. “You really want me to come?”

“Of course,” Harry’s husky voice dropped so only I could hear him. “I would miss you too much if I didn’t get to see you all summer.”

“Aww Harry that’s…”

“You’re my favorite little sister,” he playfully messed up my hair and grinned.

I tried to hide my disappointed pout, “I’m not your sister Harry.”

“Sister, best friend. Same thing love.”

I turned my attention to the houses that were flashing by outside the bus window and tried to ignore the heaviness in my heart. All I wanted was for Harry to wake up one day and realize I wasn’t just the girl he had grown up with. I was dating material, someone who knew him inside and out and loved him for it.

Why couldn’t he look at me the same way?

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