Chapter 33: Upside Down

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*Harry’s POV*

The IV in my arm was driving me crazy. It was extremely itchy and the constant drip of the liquid in the bag was starting to give me a headache. The nurse had left ages ago to let the others know I was all right and she promised me she would get Brittany for me. Where was Britt? I need to talk to her. I couldn’t believe how badly I had screwed things up.

As I waited for anyone to come and save me from the whitewashed boringness that was my hospital room, I thought over the day’s events.

Starting with my conversation with Riley this morning.

“Harry,” Riley was staring at me from the open door of his bedroom. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“What do you want?” I muttered warily, stopping just outside the room.

“It’s about Brittany.”

“Fine,” I stomped inside and slammed the door behind me. “Talk.”

“I know what you’re doing.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. Deny everything, I told myself. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I know you’re sleeping with Susan.”

“Liam’s girlfriend? Why would I sleep with her?”

“That’s a great question. If I had a girlfriend like Brittany I wouldn’t throw her away for a stupid fling. But I’m not you and it seems like you are.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I smirked. He had no proof.

“Maybe next time you should make sure the house is empty before you start snogging in the hall.” Riley held up his cell phone, showing a picture of me and Susan in a heated embrace. Shit.

“It’s none of your business so just stay out of it,” I hissed.

“Actually it is my business,” Riley’s voice was cold as ice.

“No it’s not!” I shouted. “Keep your nose out of my life.”

I turned and stormed out of the room, running straight into Brittany and knocking her off her feet. Shit, I hope she hadn’t heard anything.

Brittany picked herself up off the floor, throwing a confused glanced between me and Riley. “Umm hi guys,” she shifted awkwardly, dressed very sexily in a tiny bikini. “Are you done practicing for the day?”

“N-no,” I stuttered, searching her face for proof that she hadn’t heard our argument. She raised her eyebrow and I knew I was safe. I relaxed. She had no idea. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight to my chest. That was a close one.

“What are you doing home?” I reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her pretty face. “I thought you were going to be at Liam’s all day.”

“Amelie called, we’re going to get coffee. I came here to change.” She headed into our bedroom and I followed close behind. I sat down on the edge of the bed as she grabbed a pair of shorts and an American flag shirt from her suitcase.

“What were you and Riley fighting about?” she called over her shoulder as she wandered into the bathroom to change.

“Nothing, it was stupid.” Think Harry, think.

“Really?” she came back out, twisting her hair in to a bun. I loved when she did that. “He seemed even madder than usual.”

“He has issues, forget about him.” I held my arms out, beckoning her to me. I needed to feel her touch.

That Summer (One Direction Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα