Chapter 6: A Million Pieces

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“Hi Brittany.”

I looked up from my cup of tea and saw Marcus standing in the doorway of the kitchen.


He wandered in, messing up his red hair as he did so. “Where’s Harry?”

“How should I know?”

Marcus gave me a weird look as he filled the kettle with water, “Cause you’re his best friend and you’re with him twenty-four seven. You always know where he is.”

I muttered into my mug, “He’s with the waitress from the restaurant we went to yesterday.”

“Ahh,” Marcus sat down across from me and slid a plate of toast my way. “Sorry to hear that.”

“Why?” I grabbed a piece and took a large bite. If I couldn’t fill the ache in my heart at least I could satisfy the ache in my stomach.

“Cause I know you like him.”

Marcus wasn’t very amused when I spit my toast in his face.

“Oh my gosh I’m sorry.” I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. At least I felt happier now.

“It’s not that hard to tell Brittany. I see the way you look at him.”

When did Marcus become smart and observant? “Do the others know?”

“Riley and Brad? No. And I don’t think Harry does either. You should tell him.”

“There’s a greater chance of you dancing naked in the rain on top of Mt. Everest.”

“Doesn’t it snow on top of a mountain?”

“Well yeah, I’m saying that there is no way in hell I am telling Harry how I feel about him. I would only end up hurt.”

“Don’t you hurt now?”

This new caring and sensitive side of Marcus was started to grow on me. He actually wasn’t that bad. “Yeah but in my mind there is still the slight possibility that he feels the same way. If I come out and say it and he doesn’t, it would kill me.”

“If he doesn’t like you then you can just find someone better.”

“There is no one better.”

“How do you know? You’re so caught up in Harry that you haven’t had time to get close to anyone else.”

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, “Are you trying to tell me you like me? Is that what this is about?”

“No,” Marcus laughed and I could see he was telling the truth. “I’m just saying you need to give some other guys a chance. You’ve been attached to Harry’s hip for as long as I can remember. Maybe you need to go away for him to see how much he needs you.”

“Why are you being so nice?” I slowly ripped my toast into tiny pieces as I thought over Marcus’s words.

He shrugged, “I know you don’t like me but I’ve always thought you were pretty cool. I don’t like to see you sad all the time.”

“I’m not sad all the time.”

Marcus stood up, pushing his chair back. “Yeah well you don’t see the look in your eyes all the time.” With those last words he hurried out of the kitchen, leaving me lost in my thoughts.

He had a point. Harry would never realize how much I meant to him if I didn’t…

“There you are.” Harry burst into the kitchen, his curls tussled and his eyes frantic. “I’ve been worried sick.”

Everything Marcus had told me vanished from my brain. “Really? You were?”

“Of course I was. You just completely disappeared. One minute you were standing right next to me and the next you were nowhere to be found.”

“Well you looked busy so I decided to leave you on your own.”

“I’m never too busy for you love,” Harry dropped into the chair Marcus had just abandoned. “And Amelie had to get going anyway, she has work.”

Of course. He only noticed me missing when he had no one left to flirt with.

“So what have you been up to?”

“Nothing really,” I stirred the spoon in my now cold cup of tea. “Just hanging out with Marcus.”

“Marcus?” Harry reached over and snatched up my remaining piece of toast. “I thought you hated all three of the boys.”

“Nah, I just hate Riley. Brad disgusts me but I don’t hate him. And Marcus is pretty awesome.”

“Well that’s really good. I’m glad you like him.” I noticed that Harry was fidgeting and not meeting my eyes. “So you wouldn’t mind hanging out with him tonight would you?”

My blood turned cold, “Why?”

“Cause I kinda have a date with Amelie.”

I didn’t know how to react and I hoped my pain was displayed to noticeably on my face. “She does realize you aren’t legal right?”

“She’s only seventeen, she just looks older.”

As if this made me feel any better, “Fine whatever. Have fun.” I got up and angrily threw my mug into the sink, winching when it shattered into a million pieces. Just like my heart.

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