Chapter 9: Regrets?

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“This is it,” Harry straightened his bow tie as he looked in the mirror. “The beginning of our future.”

I glanced up from slipping on my heels and met his eyes in the reflection, “One wedding isn’t going to make or break you.”

“It might,” Harry shook out his curls and pulled his fringe to the side. “What if there is a record producer in attendance? What then?”

He turned away from the mirror, “Do I look all right?”

My eyes traveled the length of his perfect body, taking in his tailored black suit. “You look incredible.”

“As do you,” he pulled me to my feet and spun me around so he could admire my dress. “I’ve never seen you wear pink before.”

I smoothed out my skirt, “I hate pink but this was the only nice dress I own.”

“Well you look amazing,” he tugged on one of the ringlets I had worked hours on. “You’re curly like me now.”

I laughed and snatched my clutch up off the dresser. “Yeah I guess I am.”

Harry suddenly dropped to the bed, holding his head in his hands as he moaned. “Harry? Are you all right?” I sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I could feel him shaking. “What’s wrong?”

“What if I’m terrible? What if everyone at the wedding hates us? What if I’m not good enough to be a singer?”

“Don’t say that. You’re an awesome singer.”

“You’re just saying that cause your my best friend,” he looked up and smiled slightly at the thought anyway. “You don’t really mean it.”

“Of course I mean it Harry. If you sucked I would tell you.”

He laughed a little and stood up, pulling me to my feet as he did. “Thanks babe.”

“Hug?” I held out my arms and pouted a little. “One last time before you’re famous?”

He picked me up off the ground, squeezing me tightly as he swung my around. “You’re my biggest fan, you can have hugs whenever you like.”

“Good to know,” I giggled as he put me down. I was straightening out my dress when a knock sounded through the house.

Harry’s face lit up, “That must be Amelie.”

I felt my world fall down around me, but I kept a forced smile on my face. If Harry was happy I could pretend to be happy for him. “I didn’t know she was coming.”

“Yeah,” he started towards the door. “You don’t mind hanging out with her do you? She says she wants to get to know you better.”

“Great,” I lied through my teeth. “Sounds fun.”

I followed him out into the hallway, where Marcus was letting Amelie in. She looked gorgeous in a tight peach dress and tall heels.

“Hey babe,” Harry grabbed her tiny waist and planted a lingering kiss on her rosy lips. I had to turn away, there was no way I could watch that. Marcus caught my eye and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ but I turned away from him too. I had seen Harry kiss other girls before, but it had been about two years since he had a serious girlfriend. Not anymore.

“I forgot, umm, I forgot my lipstick,” I hurriedly murmured as I took off down the hall. I didn’t actually wear lipstick but they wouldn’t realize. I locked myself in the bathroom and splashed a bit of water on my face, trying to calm down the angry red of my cheeks. How on earth was I supposed to be ‘friends’ with the girl who stole my true love? I wasn’t a good enough actress to fake it. I slid to the floor, my back pressed against the door and my pink skirt pooling around my legs. I wasn’t looking forward to the wedding anymore.

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