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Soon, Theodore's face became even more sinister.

"Don't talk nonsense. You've been looking at me with those dirty eyes, now what? You don't like me?"

"I have never looked at Your Majesty with dirty eyes."

But I calmly answered the truth.

"Don't be ridiculous. You must be......"

"Yes, I did like Your Majesty."


This time, Theodore, who had become so stiff, let go of my wrist which he had been holding the whole time.

"I liked you a little bit more than I thought. But It wasn't as dirty as Your Majesty says."


"It was such a tender and precious feeling that it was heartbreaking to see your contempt. I really liked Your Majesty. I liked you a lot."


His lips slowly opened at my emotionless confession.

"But not anymore."


Theodore, who had been staring at me blankly without saying anything since the beginning of my confession, finally spoke in a harsh voice.


"Don't worry, I don't like Your Majesty anymore, and I won't look at Your Majesty with the dirty eyes you speak of."

"That, what..."

Theodore couldn't speak as well as a broken man. He looked like someone who was shocked by something.

Why was that reaction?

Was it so surprising that I didn't like him?

'Well, he's a man who lives on top of the world....'

I immediately agreed.

Theodore must think I should like him, even if his opponent was Yves Llewellyn, whom he hated so terribly.

I thought it was really Theodore, and I laughed out loud.

"I heard that Your Majesty stayed up all night. Wouldn't it be better to close your eyes a little? You have an engagement ceremony in a couple days."

Concerned about his health, I said indifferently, but he pointed out something else.

"...why are you smiling?"


Did I smile?

Embarrassed, I touched the corner of my lips without realizing it. Then I felt the corners of my lips were up.

Well, I guess I was smiling.

However, the noble emperor did not want to see my smiling face, so he hardened his expression again.


Suddenly, Theodore let out a cold laugh.

"Your love is really cheap one."

Then, openly, he began to belittle me.

"Did you go to Benjamin Ferdinand when you heard I'm going to get engaged to another woman? And now, you don't want to see me anymore, so I should just disappear into the corner of my bed?"

I laughed at his exaggerated interpretation.

"Why do you interpret it that way?"

"You're making strange noises all of a sudden. Now, you don't like me."

My Lover's Personality is a Little StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now