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The 'vessel' called Ernst, what was contained in it was the thoughts of the Ancient Apostle that was divided into seven fragments and scattered throughout the world.......

Even though he was aware of it, he knew that the thought was his own piece in the past, but there was no hesitation in thinking that it should be removed.

If he doesn't...... Eventually, that special fragment will destroy Yves, Erwin, Odelia, and the world that Yves loves.


Theodore muttered in a tearful voice, unable to overcome the rising emotions.

"Yves, I miss you......."

However, no one heard the voice that hit the wall of the dimension.

The sound of grass bugs in the air on a hot summer day scattered.

The afterimage of a young woman who was sleeping softly against the backdrop of the fresh summer.

The lovely laughter that used to burst out when she was in a good mood.

.......all scattered together.

Then what remained in the soul was himself left alone in an unknown dimension.

* * *

Theodore wished he hadn't seen it.

"What happened, Cherney?"

The man who always smiled affectionately at her complained to the point that his eyes were red.

"Obviously, all that remained of Tenebris' body was a mindless soul!"

Theodore was trapped beyond the dimension and saw the conflict between Chernicia and Leobrante.

"Be honest. Did you steal it?"

"So what?"

Chernicia snapped back.

That's how she was supposed to be...... Was she such a person who looked at the other person with contempt?

"Why...? Do you still like him? You heard him trying to kill me....!"

"That's enough!"

She interrupted Leobrante and shouted.

"How are you going to continue the relationship that led to the life of Tenebris being gone?"

The relationship was threatened.

Their relationship was false.

As soon as he found out, his body tingled as if he had been hit in the back of his head with a huge hammer.

"So, you've never really loved me before?"

"Yes, not once. Who I really like, you know it yourself. That's why you've been conscious of him."

Leobrante was light, Tenebris was darkness.

Darkness was known to be the strongest of the four apostles.......

For darkness to exist, there had to be light.

It was the arrangement of God of Brighim to prevent the possible explosion of darkness.

So Leobrante was the leash and the sole controller holding Tenebris' power.

Leobrante, who was the first to notice the fact, used it as an excuse to threaten Chernicia to maintain their fake relationship.

So even the kind things you see in front of him...... They were all false and staged.

She had to endure the relationship for Tenebris, for Theodore.

My Lover's Personality is a Little StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now