Chapter 104

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Murder magic was classified as the most dangerous and inferior of all black magic.

The reaction that followed was also strong.

Benjamin had to go back and forth between life and death after losing consciousness for a while after every use.

He couldn't show her the ugly side.

So he had to endure for the time being by hiding out of anyone's sight and vomiting blood.

And finally, he became the Head of Ferdinand.

Her face, which showed how surprised she was by opening her eyes wide in surprise when she saw him returning as the Head, was still unforgettable to Benjamin even after a decade.

Be, Benjamin? No, My Lord...what should I call you ...?

Looking at him in a flustered manner, wondering what to do, Benjamin felt a hot feeling for the first time.

'I, I protected her.'

The fact heated him up from top to bottom.

Once tasted, the sense of fullness easily poisoned and stained him.

Benjamin wanted to be a solid wall that protected her forever.

So he kept doing dirty things and also kept those dirty things from getting tangled around her.

Every time that happened, the sense of pride grew day by day.

However, his plan to own her later failed due to the interference of Emperor Theodore.

When he took Yves away from him.

Benjamin once again dabbled in black magic to get her back.

Rudolph and Margarate, who died, believed in the power, but it was a force that Benjamin did not want to use.

It's a strong force, but the reaction was as strong as that.

So at first, he urged Katarina to use that power.

Katarina succeeded in erasing Emperor Theodore's memory, but couldn't do much more.

It's because of having poor mana.

'I wish she had turned the Emperor's mind upside down, tsk.'

Eventually, Theodore lost his memory but still refused to let go of her, and Benjamin stepped up and made a scarecrow for her.

It was very difficult to make inanimate objects that would move like living things.

But Benjamin did it without difficulty.

Because it was for her.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Benjamin woke up from his thoughts.

He glanced out of the carriage window and noticed that the carriage had not yet passed through the main gate of Chernicia.

The tightly closed door recognized the visitor and gently opened the door, and the butler of the mansion came out and greeted him.

"I'm sorry, Lord Benjamin. The Lord said she would not accept guests for the time being."

"Even though it's me, Benjamin Ferdinand, who is here?"

"I'm sorry."

The butler bowed to him once more.

It was a clear denial.

At that moment, Benjamin felt something inside him snap and break.

* * *

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