Chapter 108

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Inside the Albrecht Palace.

A man, who was once Prince Ernst, was now a completely different being, walked down the hall.

Long black hair reaching the toes, blood-red eyes.

At first glance, the facial features of Ernst remained, but he still felt like a completely different person. Perhaps because of the cold expression on his face that Ernst would never have.

Thud. Thud.

Hundreds of black thorns made of thin black thread bloomed around him as he walked slowly through the palace.

"Huh? Prince Ernst?"

"Is it Prince Ernst?"

"The Prince is a little......."

Those who worked in Ernst's palace found him walking and wondered and tried to approach him.

"What's wrong with the Prince's hair...... Ahh!"


However, because the black thorns that flew towards them in an instant pierced their body easily, they immediately turned mute.

The desperate screams of the dying covered the palace.

Tenebris walked indifferently in the chaos.

Black smoke billowed up from the ground within his reach.

The black smoke clumped together and turned into a small squirrel shape.

"Lord Tenebris!"

The black squirrel chanted in a frivolous voice, chasing after Tenebris.

"Oh, you just woke up, but why are you walking so fast? Lord Tenebris. Lord Tenebris!"

However, Tenebris did not look back at the sound of calling him anxiously, but just walked indifferently.

Katarina was among the people running around in a sudden uproar.

"Oh my...! Lord Tenebris!"

Katarina, who found the resurrected Tenebris, ran to him and prostrated herself.

"Now, now, I, I, save......"

The moment Katarina's hand touched the hem of his robe.


The black thorn penetrated Katarina's body at once.

Tenebris wrinkled his eyes irritably and soon moved forward.

Knights and the servants of the Imperial Palace were helpless.

Finally, it was Theodore's palace where Tenebris's steps reached.

Occupying the Imperial Palace without Theodore, he sat on the throne of the Emperor with a bored look.

A black squirrel-shaped demon that ran with a gasp took a large breath stopping in front of him.

"Oh my..... Lord Tenebris, this is Jericho, waiting for you to wake up again......."

"Why do you look like that?"

When Tenebris asked obnoxiously, Jericho replied, wagging his coveted fluffy tail.

"These days, I'm called the most popular animal on the continent."

Jericho's body, which was like a black squirrel, slowly turned into the color of a real squirrel.

Jericho proudly raised his chin to explain his achievements while Tenebris was asleep.

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