Chapter 97

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'What the hell is he saying now?'

As I stared still, Theodore's beautiful face like a sculpture became sadly wet again.

"Don't throw me away. Without you, I......."

As he lowered his eyes and fluttered his eyelashes, he asked in a faint voice.

"Are you going to throw me away again?"

After staring at his sad wet face, I soon noticed his intention and raised one eyebrow.

Theodore has already achieved a lot of what he wanted with just a little tears once.

Theodore was also a man who knew how handsome he was and how powerful his handsome face was.

So now, he's using that handsome face and tears.......

'You're acting like you're crying, aren't you?'

The moment I saw that intentional face, angle and expression, I realised it.

Theodore is a man who can even use his own tears, even though those tears aren't real, he would still squeeze them out to soften my heart.

And the moment I realised it, my expression became even more callous.

"I can't believe you are saying I'm throwing you away. Since when have you been mine?"

I said I'd listen to his story, but I didn't mean to listen to his confession.

When I responded in a cold voice, he made a tearful look as if he were really going to burst into tears.

"But I am your Theo."

"I suppose you mean Katarina's Theo."

I answered casually with the face of the person who heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

I still couldn't forget the voice of Katarina, who would softly smile while singing "Theo" at him.

But how dare he say "Your Theo" in front of me?

"...... because I lost my memory and didn't recognize you, is that the reason? I was a fool because I was under the black magic......."

Theodore seemed to think that his loss of memory was all the reasons behind our relationship.

Of course, that was also the biggest part of the wound I received.

But... ...that wasn't the only problem between us.

"It's not me you loved. It's just a memory of your young days."

I said what I thought when I saw him giving me a loving look ever since we met again.

"This is unfair, Yves! I've loved you for a long time, and now......!"

"Yeah, a long time ago. You said that you loved 'Yvone'. So, you've been looking for her for more than 10 years, right?"

"Yes, I......!"

"Whom you loved was 'Yvone', not Yves."

I spoke to him while driving a wedge.

"What are you talking about? Both 'Yvone' and 'Yves' are you."

Theodore immediately refuted, but his voice was trembling slightly.

He sounded a little frightened, as if he had noticed what I was trying to mean.

"If you'd loved Yves as much as I say, nothing would have happened between us."

"Yves, that's......."

"You didn't like 'Yves'. You ignored and despised her."


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