Chapter Thirteen

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I look at Bruna's schedule whose next Lap dance is, a certain Luiza I've never seen.
I go to the indicated place but when I get there I find Rubens sitting on a chair.
- I'm sorry, but I don't do the dance for men for security reasons.
I turn with the intention of leaving at the same moment but he gets up and blocks my way at the door, he stands in front of me between me and the door preventing me from leaving.
- Oh! So you're the almighty, famous Lap Dance girl that no one stops talking about in this town?
- Let me out!
- Only when you dance for me.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a huge wad of hundred-dollar bills and shakes the bills right in my face, then he throws the bills in the air, making the bills fall from the top like rain of money.
- I do not want your money. - I say furious.
He presses his body against mine at the door and runs his hand on me, I try to get him off of me, then I think, he's just going to get out of here in the fight, okay so if that's what he wants.
I knee him between his legs hard, he falls to the ground holding his testicles in great pain, I open the door and walk away.
Rubens lies on the bedroom floor alone.

I get home still nervous and I tell Bruna everything about her cousin, she talks to him without mentioning my name and he asks where she found out what he did.
She says it doesn't matter, what matters is that what he did is very serious and there's no excuse for it, Bruna tells her cousin to leave the house and never come back here, he leaves slamming the door hard.
I go to my room to study for college finals in a week I graduate.

My bartending shift at the club begins, I see Patrick arrive hugging a famous actor, they walk in and go straight to the room that is Patrick's office.
Mike is at the cashier counting the bills he won with the opening of the Strippers presentation, I approach him and I watch him count the bills, he opens a fan of hundred reais bills and makes a gesture fanning himself with heat, he smiles very happy for the success of the Strippers.
- Look Camile, have you ever seen so much money in your life?
He asks me very euphorically.
- No.
I answer him.
- And the Strippers aren't that good, imagine if they were.
He says still very excited and completes by asking me a question.
- Camile why is Patrick so obsessed with you being a stripper for him?
- Actually I don't know, I don't know what he saw in me.
He takes a wad of cash and gives it to me as extra payment for the opening day of the masquerade themed party.
I take the payment and put it in my pants pocket.
I'm going to Alexa's house to spend the night with her,
In the afternoon we go to college together, she goes to her room and I to my room.
The film college course is almost over this is the last month and I no longer need to do Lap Dance to pay the bills, phew! Thank God.
Bárbara calls Bruna wanting to schedule a dance with me but Bruna warns that the girl from Lap dance is not going to do any more dances,
Barbara goes into despair asking why, Bruna says that the girl from Lap dance is about to finish her college course and intends to move to another city.
Bárbara insists that Bruna reveal the name of the girl from Lap dance to her, but Bruna does not reveal it and ends the call.
I hear all of Bruna's conversation from my room and she comes to me.
- Friend.
- I heard all the friendly talk relax, in a few weeks I won't be around anymore and all this suffocation will end and no one will ever find out anything.
Bruna hugs me saying she will miss me.
There are only three days left for this whole nightmare to end.
The doorbell rings and Bruna goes down to answer the door, it's Barbara at the door she came personally to beg Bruna to reveal the name of the Lap dance girl before she leaves and Barbara never finds out her true identity.
Barbara makes a revelation to Bruna while standing at the door.
- You can't let the love of my life go without telling me who she is Bruna.
The expression of astonishment that Bruna makes in front of Barbara is impressive.
- Wow! - says Bruna, shocked by the revelation that Barbara has just made.
At that moment Barbara enters uninvited and stays in the room waiting for Bruna's answer.
- I'm really sorry, Barbara, but I'm not authorized to reveal this secret to you, she's leaving in three days and if she decides to tell you, she'll come to you and tell you.
- Why are you doing this to me Bruna?
- The secret is hers and only she will be able to reveal it to you, I'm really sorry, I hope the love between you works out.
Barbara storms out, slamming the door.
Bruna goes back to my room I ask who it was at the door she lies and tells me it was the postman.
I look at her suspiciously she looks at me and smiles.
- What's it? - Bruna says trying to hide something she didn't want to tell me.
Night comes and we go to bed the afternoon after the penultimate day of college.

Lap Dance (Lesbian Romance 18+) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now