Part 5

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Izuku walked out of the UA building and into the bus waiting out front. The bus had a different layout, so the seating was irregular. He made his way to the back of the bus and sat down, leaning back against the window. He pulls out his phone and sighs as he sees a news report of All Might stopping a villain on his morning commute.

He's going to use up all his time if he keeps that up. Yagi just doesn't know when to stop sometimes. And on the day that they were going to the USJ too...

He still had some time before the students were to board the bus, so he pulled out his laptop and started making a list of which zones the students of 1a would be most effective in, and which zones they would have more of a disadvantage in. He was pretty sure he started to mumble as he thought out all the possibilities for one student and typed them out. Obviously, he would have to challenge each student, but also make it so they could use their quirk to the fullest extent, so that would mean-

He heard some tapping and looked up to see a bus driver staring at him, faint fear written on his face as he started the bus up. That meant that the students would be arriving soon, so he put away the analysis of where they would be most effective. Wouldn't want them to get any ideas as to what exactly is going to happen!


Shinso followed his dad outside where the bus was waiting, along with the rest of class 1-a. The new class president was shouting at everyone to remain in a calm and orderly line, and to sit on the bus according to their student ID. He was also making those chopping gestures that Uraraka kept having to jump away from, in fear of getting hit.

The bus didn't have traditional seating, so Ida was disappointed that his seating chart wouldn't be put into motion. Shinso sighed, a habit that his papa said was just like his dad's, and tried to get as far away from the more chatty members of the class as possible. He came here to be a hero, not to make friends. He made his way as far back as he could and was-

He stopped. Sitting at the back of the bus was Izuku-sensei, smiling at him and his classmates as they entered the bus. What was he doing here? This was supposed to be just homeroom and heroics teachers, and a hero to guide them through the USJ. However, the chatty kids sat near the front, so sitting next to Izuku-sensei would almost guarantee he would not have to talk to them.

His dad looked like he made the same decision and sat across from the green-haired teacher and Shinso. His dad looked at Izuku-sensei with one eyebrow quirked, obviously asking why he was there, but Izuku-sensei just flashed him the same mysterious smile as the first time Shinso met him.

How did he do that? One look from his dad and even the most hardened criminals usually confess to whatever they did immediately. And, yeah, that sounds cool. But when you're his kid? It's not fun at all. Needless to say, his respect for his new teacher increased quite a bit after that interaction.

The bus traveled for a while, with all the others practically jumping over themselves to shout at each other. They all had their hero costumes on, and some of them were just strange. The one with the fire and ice quirk- Todoroki- had the left half of his body covered with ice, with a glowing red eye. And he was pretty sure that Hagakure was only wearing boots and gloves, just like at their first heroics class. Does she not get cold...?

As they were walking towards the giant building Shinso assumed was the USJ, he saw Bakugo shooting off sparks from his hands a second before he demonstrated the extent of his anger issues to the guy with the rock quirk. He winced as Kirishima used his quirk to avoid the blast.

When they arrived in the building, all the students of class 1-a sucked in a shocked gasp. The building seemed bigger on the inside than it did on the outside, with several different sections, one of them even appearing to be a lake.

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