Part 9

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Tensei had been searching for a speedster, planning on cutting him off through the alley's as his team blocked the main road. He had just made a right turn, cutting through what would have been many unnecessary streets when his comms unit rang. Did his team intercept the speedster early...?

Slowing his boosters a tad, he lifted his hand up and accepted the call. The comms units were only used between heroes, so whatever the problem might be, he was sure it was important. Unless it was Midnight. You can never be sure what she is calling for.

"This is Ingenium."

The line had a slow buzz in the background, and Tensei could hear steady breaths coming through the other side. His boosters slowed just a tad more as he waited for his caller's response.

'Hello, Ida.'

Tensei's boosters stopped completely. That voice... it couldn't be. But at the same time he was sure it was. His former teacher had left... so why was he calling him?

"Uh-tha-. Izuku-sensei...? Just-ah-why are you c-calling?"

'You are in Hosu, correct?'

Just what was he getting at?

"Yeah, me and my team are chasing a speedster. Why do you ask?"

'You are aware that the hero-killer is still in Hosu?'

He really wasn't liking where this was going...

"Yeah... he attacked Jinx last week. What is going on?"

'Check the alley's around you carefully. You are separated from other heroes currently and striking now fits his timeline.'

Tensei felt his breath coming a bit faster as he checked around the alley's around him, stopping his suit from creaking and clanging as best as he could. Izuku-sensei was still on the line, staying silent as Tensei made his rounds.

He was about to give the all-clear when he caught something from the corner of his eye. A figure holding two swords and wearing a mask shifted in a close by alley. He slowly breathed out and kept his voice low as he reported back to his former teacher.

"Found him. I don''t think i can back away without him noticing me, and I can't turn as well in these tight-corner alley's. What is your take on the situation?"

'Stay hidden as long as you can. I'm calling for backup. They'll be there as soon as they can.'

He slowly moved to a crouch, being careful his suit didn't reflect any light. He needed to stay out of sight as long as...!

He burst backward as Stain took a 'stab' at him. God, Tensei, this is no time for humor! He narrowly avoided the strike, and his mind went blank for a moment. He snapped back into reality as Stain's second sword came into play. His breathing was coming faster now, as he dodged strike after strike from the man who had made it his mission to target heroes.

He couldn't maneuver well in this alley, his usually helpful suit being more of a hindrance as he jumped back to the wall. The sword came down, tearing through his armor and striking his side, causing a deep wound. He pushed off the wall just as the second sword came down where his head would've been.

He was backing up, about to try and run back to put more space between them when his limbs seized up. He fell limply to the ground, armor making a loud crash. He strained his muscles, but he couldn't move an inch. His eyes darted up and saw Stain lifting his swords, preparing for the final strike.

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