Part 17

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Aizawa slinked into the class, most of the students already there. It wasn't that he wasn't there on time, he just didn't feel the need to walk into class before he needed to. He spent hours with those kids, he didn't need to spend a second longer than necessary. Nobody had the energy for that, least of all him. His kid was okay, but some of them were really high-strung, to the point where he thought that they were just eating sugar whenever he wasn't looking at them. Well, aside from Sato. At least he had a reason to be eating sugar.

He took attendance drolly, laying down in his sleeping bag while he waited for Snipe to show up. They were doing history in their homerooms because of the messed-up scheduling of the week. So not only did he have to stay in there for the lesson, he had to do this all week. Why did he agree to teach again?

Kaminari made a comment about the hero killer that had Shinso and Todoroki wincing a bit, his son rolling his eyes when he looked at the blonde. Then when he seemed to realize what he had said a second later he started to apologize to the boy with glasses, and his son looked at him with an exasperated form of fondness. Well, that is a bit telling...

Snipe burst into the classroom, but the door didn't shut behind him. Instead, a hand held it open as he stepped through, revealing Izuku-sensei. Just what was he doing here?

"Well hello, class 1-a! As you all know, the schedule is going to be a bit weird for the next few days, so not only will we be staying here for the duration of the class, we will have a longer class period than usual. We'll be going into the pre-quirk era, and may I just remind you all to make sure and pay attention, as the exams are coming up and there will be a penalty if you fail, to be discussed later with your homeroom teacher. Izuku-sensei will be here in this class period, and he will be speaking about the pre-quirk era, as he is the only guy left that was alive during that time. Give him your full attention, please."

Well, Aizawa did have to say that he was impressed. Having another teacher doing all the teaching for you, now THAT was a fine idea. If only he would've thought about that before he had to do all the work of making the personalized lists of heroes to intern with. That was time-consuming, and that time was time that he could've spent sleeping.

"Alright. I figured that to begin with we would go over what was in the textbook, then I can add on a bit from there, and then we will open the floor to questions." The green-haired teacher didn't quite have the same smile that he usually did. Sure, it was there, but it was as prominent or luminescent as usual. Interesting...


Shinso watched their teacher with a slight frown on his face, noting the difference with how Izuku-sensei usually displayed himself. He wasn't nervous, but it was almost like he was lost in a bad train of thought that carried with him in his words. It was pretty concerning.

"The pre-quirk era was very different from the world we live in today. The most obvious difference, of course, is the fact that there were no meta-humans, and so there were no heroes. They had other means of law enforcement, if you would turn to page 146, please."

They read through how police officers were much more prominent, and how there was a whole lot less property damage. Everything almost seemed... simpler, in a way. You didn't have beings with superstrength who could take out a city block by themselves using their bare hands, but you also didn't have heroes to keep the peace. Instead of heroes, the idols were rock stars or actresses, the figures that didn't have quite as much influence now that there was All Might. It was pretty interesting to see contrasting the two time eras were like they were two entirely different worlds. And not only that, he learned that Izuku-sensei was engaging even in history. He knew that he was good from the analysis class already, but it was impressive to see him keep even Kaminari's attention whilst talking about history. The blonde boy was staring so intently at the teacher, it was so adorable and-no. Focus on history, Shinso.

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