Part 14

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Edgeshot walked along the more shadowed part of the sidewalk with his purple-haired intern to his right. He was glad he had extended the offer for an internship to the hero student; he was certainly a good fit for Edgeshot's style. The kid already knew how to blend into the shadows, he knew some basics of parkour, and he knew how to stay silent on patrols while civilians flocked them. Although... he actually wasn't sure if that was so much as a decision he made, or just his usual state of being.

The kid's chosen hero name was hilarious, too. Just a tad dark, with the added bonus of concealing ones quirk from both the public and villains. Shinso had mentioned something about one of his teachers helping him pick it out, but that was a bit confusing since he was pretty sure that 'Eraserhead' wouldn't come up with something quite that clever. After all, he hadn't even chosen his own name, just chosen the first name that someone suggested to him. Actually, just thinking about the other pro hero made him realize just how similar he and Shinso seemed to be...

They both had this bleary expression on their faces that one can only get after a short nap that ended just a bit too soon, but they both had it on constantly. Not to mention their hero costumes, since they both had that same capture scarf ingrained into their fighting styles and aesthetics. Could they be distantly related or something along those lines...?

"Shinso. Let's take a shortcut through this alleyway. It's important to practice parkour at every chance you get so it becomes an integral part of your reflexes and you don't have to think about it."

The boy just nodded, matching Edgeshot's swift pace as they disappeared into the darkened alleyway. They followed a twisting route that Edgeshot only remembered because one time on a chase, he had gotten lost in the alleyways and ended up going in the complete opposite direction of where he was supposed to be. The mirth in Ingenium's eyes was so embarrassing that now he made sure he knew all the alleyway routes before even stepping foot in a city.

They exited around the center of the city, Edgeshot noting how it was about to start getting dark out. The days had started to get a bit shorter, and Shinso was to be patrolling with him until early evening that day. It had been fairly peaceful, with only a few purse-snatchers, and one robbery at a small bank. Everything had died down a little in Hosu since the attack on Ingenium, given that most villains knew that the heroes were on high alert in the city now. But there were always a few who completely disregarded common sense and just went for it.

Edgeshot was just about to recommend that they start heading back towards his agency when he heard screams coming from behind them. He whirled around, preparing to shapeshift his arms into blades, as he stepped in front of Shinso. A large plume of smoke started to billow out above a building, along with the distinct sound of rubble crashing to the ground.

"Shinso! Stay behind me and do your best to remain outside of whatever we find over there! Make sure there are no citizens left trapped by whatever is happening!"

Shinso nodded, no words on his part needed as they sprinted toward the destruction, bracing themselves for whatever they might find. And what Edgeshot saw... was absolutely horrifying.

There was a trio of... he didn't even know what to call them causing as much damage as possible to their surroundings. The citizens looked like they were already in the process of being evacuated by several of the lower-rank heroes, but that meant that Endeavor was left to fight the three of them alone. And the #2 hero... wasn't exactly winning.

He was barely able to keep them at bay, his fire focused more on distracting them and drawing attention away from the civilians than actually being able to do any damage. And whatever hits he did land didn't seem to be having much of an effect at all, the creatures not even flinching as the red-hot flames roared towards them, engulfing them in their grasp.

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