Part 11

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Ida's hands clenched in his pockets, still reeling over the news Aizawa-sensei had delivered to him. His brother was his hero. He wanted to follow in his footsteps and be like him, helping out in whatever way he could. Granted, his brother was nowhere near as injured as he could have been from that encounter, but Stain had stabbed him in a vital enough area that he would be doing some physical therapy in the next few months to regain his strength.

He knew that wanting revenge was wrong, but he couldn't help the feeling of intense hate and loathing that was washing over him in waves. HIs brother didn't deserve any of that, but Stain still attacked him. Ida wasn't sure what he would do if he had the chance to go after Stain, but judging by how he was feeling now, it would be nothing good.

A flash of green caught his eye as Izuku-sensei leaned down to see the match a bit better. The first two contestants were just now walking onto the field, both stopping at the edge as they waited for Midnight to start the match. In all honesty, Ida already knew who was going to win. Shiozaki may have a powerful quirk, but judging by the giant attacks Todoroki had been pulling off thus far, she wouldn't last a minute.

Just as he had predicted, the match barely lasted thirty seconds. Shiozaki had attacked with her vines as quickly as possible, likely knowing her odds of winning if she didn't hurry. Todoroki just sent shards of ice to tear through her plants, finishing with a smaller version of his final attack on Sero.

Ida heard slight mumbling and turned in the direction of the sound. Izuku-sensei's hands were twitching a bit and his eyes were both focused and far away from the match in front of him. It was... a little unnerving if Ida was being honest. Snipe-sensei and Ectoplasm-sensei were both staring worriedly at the green-haired teacher. When Izuku-sensei's hands started to twitch a bit more frequently, and Ida was about to get someone to see if he would be all right, Ectoplasm walked up with a pencil and notebook in hand, carefully slipping them into Izuku-sensei's still twitching fingers.

Ida watched in amazement as his teacher didn't seem to even notice the new addition, the pencil moving rapidly as he took scribbled notes. The mumbling grew a bit louder, Ida barely making out some parts.

"Vines could easily catch fire... does she feel them or... can she send out an unlimited amount of them, or does it stop somewhere? Do they work in the same way as normal plants or... does photosynthesis happen..."

Was that what was going through his teacher's mind constantly? No wonder he was so good at analysis; he never stopped thinking about it. And honestly, it was a bit scary that one of his first thoughts had been how easy they could catch on fire and if she could feel them. He's starting to get why everyone was so uneasy around their new teacher after the USJ incident now.

As they were cleaning up the remnants of Todoroki's last ice attack, Ida headed down to prepare for his next match. As he stretched, he couldn't get the attack on his brother out of his head. It was like it was on constant replay, a never ending loop inside his brain. And it didn't stop as he made it to the field. In fact, it almost made it worse.

Shinso was standing directly in front of him, his lips slightly pursed. Ida knew that all he had to do was not answer and he wouldn't be taken control of like Kaminari had been. As Midnight raised her whip to start the match, his heart pounded.

A sharp crack! sounded through the arena, and Ida didn't waste a single second. He lunged forward as fast as his engines would take him, preparing to shove Shinso out of the ring as quickly as possible. However, he had to swerve quickly to avoid throwing himself out when Shinso dodged by rolling to the side. By the time he was fully turned around Shinso was back on his feet, staring at him with eyes narrowed. This wasn't going to be as easy as he thought.

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