Part 58

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Mina clapped her hands wildly and laughed like she would die if she didn't get the air out. "Yes, yes, YES!"

Kaminari felt similar twinges of excitement when Tsu started to type it in. Shinso was standing so close next to him that he could feel the heat radiating off of his arm, and he was all there for it. Neither one of them had made any motion to move apart once the space had been cleared up, and Kaminari didn't feel like he should be the one to change what they had going on there.

And he really hoped that Shinso wouldn't feel the need to either.

"Alright, kero." Kaminari feels the extreme urge to clear his throat, but doesn't want to draw attention to how red he knows his face is. Mina's already been giving him the side-eye all night, and he's afraid of what she's going to do to embarrass him. She already did the work of facilitating their first actual interaction, now she could kindly stay back, thank you. He had already done the hard work of making a long list of pickup lines to seduce Shinso with, and he was just waiting for the right opportunity to use them.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Mina was grinning so wide it seemed as if her cheeks were splitting apart. "There it is, what is it- what?"

Mina's voice dropped down into a disgruntled questioning tone and Shinso leaned in, accidentally brushing his somehow perfect hair right under Kaminari's nose. Seriously, how was it this perfect when he just woke up? There was no mercy in this world, because if there was Shinso wouldn't have the most gorgeous locks this early in the morning. One of these days, Kaminari was going to lean too close and pass out from how soft and silky they were.

"What is it?" Kaminari asked, not wanting to move away from his awkward positioning with Shinso. "What happened?"

"...There's nothing," Shinso said disbelievingly. "There is literally nothing. It's all so heavily redacted that all it says is his... actually, nevermind. It doesn't even say his freaking name."

"Wow," Todoroki breathed, still facing the other direction. Kaminari didn't know what the point of turning away was if he was just going to listen to every word they said, but he never claimed to know Todoroki's mind. He barely knew his own mind. "One day I strive to reach that level of anonymity."

Yup. It was official. Kaminari was never going to understand him.

"There's gotta be something," Uraraka said. "Not even his arrest numbers?"

"No!" Mina wailed in despair. "You'd think after catching the S-class villain to end all S-class villains he would be at least a little known, but nooo! I bet he's one of those people that have the completely anonymous social media accounts so no one can find them."

"I bet he doesn't even have a social media account," Uraraka grumbled.

Shinso finally stepped back, and Kaminari praised whatever deity was out there that he didn't sneeze in his crush's hair. That would be a failure he could never come back from. The embarrassment would haunt him to the end of his days, and there would be no chance that Shinso would ever go out with him, and he would die a sad, lonely bisexual, living voraciously through Mina's wild escapades that he would forever miss out on because he would be too busy crying over-

"It doesn't even have a birth date!" Mina shouted. "This is a tragedy, an utter tragedy!"

Shinso narrowed his eyes, which Kaminari definitely wasn't watching, and asked, "Do you think Izuku-sensei ever faked his own death?"

Uraraka frowns curiously at him. "Weren't you the one that told us he had a special move based on it?"

"No, no, no," Shinso said, shaking his head so loose strands brushed across Kaminari's ears. Am I in heaven or am I in hell? Which one do I want to be in? "I meant, like, do you think he's ever done that one thing where he fakes his death and comes back pretending to be his own son?"

UA's Immortal TeacherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora