Part 43

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Shinso sat at the edge of the concrete platform, his legs dangling off the side. He was so frustrated. Everyone else had been able to at least start thinking of things over the course of the past two days. But he hadn't been able to think of anything. His quirk just doesn't work like that. And the same with his scarf.

He had asked his dad what he did, but apparently he'd never chosen a special move. Like him, it wasn't like there was a way he could increase his output or do anything differently that would end the fight quickly. Plus, his dad had said that you didn't need anything special so long as it ended the fight.

And he agreed with that, but Shinso's quirk didn't work like his dad's. Erasure could work at anytime on almost anyone, but Shinso needed a direct response from someone before he was able to do anything. It's why he trained with the capture scarf so relentlessly. He had to do whatever it takes.

He groaned, watching most of his classmates head down to take a break from beating up Ectoplasm's clones. Might as well... it's not like I'm going to have any epiphanies in the next few minutes.

"Stumped?" Shinso turned to see Izuku-sensei standing right behind him, watching with a knowing eye.

"...A little, yeah," Shinso admitted. "I mean, what am I supposed to do? I ask questions, and then people are brainwashed when they respond. There's not much more too it."

Izuku-sensei suddenly got very animated, and Shinso remembered what was guaranteed to get their teacher off-topic. Talking about quirks and their applications. "Well, I entirely disagree with you there. Your quirk has so many different applications, and I think that we can definitely stretch your capabilities, either by increasing the amount of time you can brainwash someone for, increasing how many people you can brainwash at once, how much damage they can take while under your control, what commands they're able to carry out, how..." Izuku-sensei blinks, and he seems to realize that he's been rambling. Shinso notes that his hand is twitching again, a clear sign he wants to write down everything that he just thought of.

"Ah... I got a little carried away there. We will go over those things later, but we were talking about... special moves, right?"

Shinso suppressed a chuckle as he said, "Yeah. But I'm starting to think that I should just be like my- Aizawa-sensei and just not have any special moves. I'm planning on being underground anyways, so there's not really any point."

Izuku-sensei tittered out a soft laugh and said, "I wouldn't go so far as to say that. Special moves aren't just something a pro announces so the press will have something to talk about, they're something that utilizes your abilities, either in a general situation or one where you're desperate." He paused, seeming to consider something. "And Aizawa does have some special moves, he just doesn't announce them out like most daylight pros do."

Shinso furrowed his brow. What would his dad even do with his quirk to make a special move? And what did Izuku-sensei mean by 'announce them out'?

"What do you mean? He doesn't have any special moves. He just uses his scarf and Erasure to fight villains. Isn't that just using his quirk?"

"Yes, but special moves aren't just 'using your quirk'. There are other ways to have a special move." Izuku-sensei thought for a moment. "In this case, Aizawa has special moves by using his scarf. When there are certain maneuvers done, it is considered something that can only be done so many times in one fight or iss something that almost immediately ends the fight and is therefore a special move. Your special move could be anything like that, from tripping someone and using your scarf on them to brainwashing five people at once."

Oh. That makes sense, actually. But that still doesn't explain one thing.

"Then why doesn't he announce his special moves as he does them? Does it even count if it's not shown to others?"

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