Part 36

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Aizawa stifled a yawn as he led his students out to where their first training session back would be held. A couple of the other teachers wanted to give the students more time to settle in, but both All Might and Aizawa had agreed that it was only logical to have everything go back to somewhat normal. One of the few things they agreed on.

The students had already moved into the dorms, and while it was a big change to make, they were still in school. Plus, everything just crumbled down around them. It would be better for them to have some sense of normalcy while everything else was adjusting. Nezu had even agreed with them.

All Might wasn't able to retain his muscled form for more than a few seconds at a time now, and both of his arms were still in slings. Aizawa couldn't help but feel a brief twinge of pity for the man. Everyone knows that All Might is a workaholic, and Aizawa can just sense the tension coming off of the man now that he can't do his job. It was like second-hand stress, and Aizawa had enough of that on his own.

"Wait here," he droned on. "All Might is getting the last and most essential part of the lesson today. He'll be here any minute."

His back thudded against the tree he was leaning on, and he watched his students with an eagle-eye. If there was ever a group of kids who could get into trouble in less than five minutes, they would be it. You couldn't leave them unsupervised for a second.

"Aizawa-sensei?" Uraraka ventured. "Are you staying? N-not that you shouldn't or anything! It's just that you don't usually supervise our hero training classes that often." Yes. I much prefer to spend the time sleeping instead.

They were all looking at him with expectant eyes, but he offered only a shrug in return. Most of them gave up after that, but Aizawa saw Hitoshi giving him a suspicious glance and knew he caught something was up. Hah. Nice try. You're not getting anything out of me. You'll have to suffer along with the rest of them.

...Maybe Hizashi was right when he called him a sadist. No, definitely right.

And usually he would be sleeping during this time, but he wouldn't miss this for the world. It was one of the only times that he thought All Might actually did well with how he planned the lesson. Usually he would see him making flashcards in the teacher lounge, something that Hitoshi confirmed he actually used when he taught their class. The Symbol of Peace may have many talents, but teaching did not appear to be one of them.

He let the kids do their thing, fading comfortably into the background. The class had split up into their seperate little 'factions'; the self-proclaimed 'Bakusquad'; the quieter kids that Aizawa appreciated more and more each day; HItoshi and his friends; and everyone else just milling in between them all.

Speaking of Bakugo and his friends, Aizawa could tell they were treading carefully around the blonde after his ordeal in Kamino. They weren't jumping all over him like they usually did, and they weren't being quite as pushy. Bakugo himself was acting much more... toned-down wasn't quite it, more like he was a simmering pot that was getting ready to boil over. When they were releasing him from the hospital, Aizawa had tried to approach him about seeing Hound Dog, but he had reacted so violently to even the thought of it the subject hadn't been brought up again.

'Bakugo, what you went through is horrible, and it is completely okay if you feel like you need to work through this. That's why we recommend you start counseling with Hound Dog. He's a completely licensed professional, and-'

'Like hell I'm seeing that second-rate mutt! I'm not weak, and I don't need to go 'talk through my feelings' or some shit. I don't give a crap, so I don't have to go to therapy. It's for the weak, and I'm not weak.'

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