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(9 years later)


I'm in the training room. Practicing my abilities with Brendan. When we decide to call it a day. And meet back tomorrow. As I am showering. I think about the last time I pushed myself too far. I blacked out and woke up in the infirmary a couple days later. With a killer headache. As I get back to my room after my shower. I still have a little bit of time before lunch. I head to my room that I share with the girls. And as soon as I close my door. Kenji pops out of the shadows. Scaring me half to death and he immediately regrets his decision. 


 Kenji did this somewhat often because we liked hanging out together alone but got in trouble if he was seen entering or exiting my and the girls' room so he waited here sometimes when he got a gap in his schedule so we could see each other more often. I can tell he is worried and hiding something and as he looks down to meet my eyes our height difference evident, I know for sure something is wrong weather it is my powers or us just being friends for years I ask with a note of serrerisosness in my tone

 "what's wrong " 

He can tell I am starting to get worried when he quickly says

 "No, it's nothing bad I just have a potentially dangerous mission that will last a while" 

 if he didn't have it before now 100% of my attention is on him

 "Where is it I ask"

 "it's not far"

 he says trying to ease my worry and I give him a look

 "it's in warner's army castle gave me the job as a spy to investigate Feerrars." 

dammit I should of seen this coming just last week omega points most trusted members had a meeting about her and how Juliette Feerrars could be the most powerful out of us and how we could recruit her of course Kenji would be perfect for that job he could go invisible for Christ's sake and he is way too damn selfless to say no my biggest worry was on how if warner had any proof or even a wisp of a suspicion Kenji would be a goner. Kenji saw me fret and tried to reassure me 

"Y/N I won't die I am way too talented than that"

 he said giving me his signature wink of course I knew he would try to be safe 

"Just be safe okay don't take any non-vital risks"

 we locked eyes, and my worry starts to subside when he says

 "of course," 

 "I just wanted to tell you before everyone else"

  "Let's go get food I say "

because as much as I would love to talk to him for the whole hour I am starving, and my stomach has made some very awkward noises. as we are walking to the cafeteria I ask

 "When are you going to tell the others "With him knowing the others meant our friends 

"Today, during lunch"


As we get to our usual table the rest of the squad files in all eating their food when Kenji starts off the conversation by demanding everyone's attention soon our whole friend group is looking at him 

" So, guys you know how I am always saving everyone's asses around here. castile asked me to go on a solo mission to join sector 45's military to study and liberate Juliette Feerrars "

he says bluntly the moment he stops talking everyone starts protesting saying things from nice to

 "that's Hella dangerous"

 Ailia pipes up 

"When do deport" 

I realized that was what I had forgotten to ask him 

"Three days "

The words hit me like a sledgehammer 

"What the hell Kenji" 

I sneer at him All trace of the humor that coated his features was gone and the only thing I could see in him was regret. I turned around and strode out of the room. Without anything to do for the next forty-five minutes I decided to clear my head back at the training room. A little lightheadedness never hurt anyone right? When I get to one of my favorite places at Omega point, I decide to start my workout off small with some easy target practice. As I am telekinetically throwing the dull knives to the center of a bullseye, I get an idea to see if I can simultaneously levitative everything in the room so one by one I start lifting treadmills and weights ant the targets I was using to practice with earlier "Not bad"

   Kenji Pov 

Y/N takes great care putting everything back and I am amazed at how powerful she is. She could probably kill anyone here with a blink of an eye if she wanted to. She turns around and faces me, the first thing I notice about her is her bloodshot eyes and bloody nose which are probably from overexerting herself.
and just like that the comfortable environment around us returned Y/N cracked a smile and I modeled my signature grin.
"What time is it"
Y/N rarely carried around a watch I remember her telling me when we were
Fourteen "I already don't have a sleep schedule might as well not remind myself of that" I nonchalantly looked at my watch "quarter till three"
her eyes widened and she scrambled to grab her stuff
"Shit! shit!"
"I was supposed to be at the infirmary fifteen minutes ago "
One of Y/N's main duties at omega point was helping the girls find a cure for the easily exhaustion because she tired so fast so in a way she was a glorified lab rat she starts to run out the door but quickly stops I see her sway and almost fall but she catches herself I know what's happening she can't use her powers for too long without repercussions if I wouldn't have come in she probably would have fainted.
I brace her arm on my shoulder before she can protest it's kind of awkward with our height difference.
" I can walk " she says stubbornly
" Sunny you literally almost died, like I think I saw your eyes roll back into your head-"
"I hate you"
"You love me " I say smugly
"Yeah yeah"
she says putting a good chunk of her weight on me and like that we walk out of the training rooms once she almost falls not even before we were out of the training wing when second time her legs almost give out from out of her, I scoop her into my arms she opens her mouth to protest but I cut her off
" To your room or the infirmary"
"The infirmary obviously, I have a shift"
I hesitated and started walking into the infirmary
I was halfway there when I saw she had fallen asleep,what a little asshole.when I got a chance, I started making the rights that would lead to the women's dorms. When I got there, I laid Y/N down on her bed looked at he so peacefully asleep finally matching the nickname I gave her: sunshine even though the reason she got it was because she was the exact opposite, I gave her the nickname when I was 11 and she was 10 I should've nicknamed her dark alley or murky bottom of a lake because that's more like her personality.
I pull the blanket on her and walk away. I realize they are the moments like these with my best friend that I will miss the most and I make a mental note that if I get back, I will cherish these moments forever.

A/N hey guys this is my second chapter and FYI the friend group includes Y/N, Kenji, Brenden, Ailia, Lilly, Ian, Sarah and Sonya there is also Winston and the one and only castle AKA the "dad" and I apologize if Y/N's personality is not like yours

What was the last good fic you have read?

I am looking for recommendations 

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