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 Kenji Pov

Y/N and I were sitting at our usual table at lunch when I called Juliet to sit with us, but it didn't last for long because Adam is apparently trying to get himself killed because just when Juliette looks comfortable-


and she looks like she is going to fall over, but she still goes with him, and they think they are out of earshot of the cafeteria, but little do they know the walls here are thin and everyone is quieting down to listen to the teenage drama.

"There has to be something," a voice, which I assume is Adam's, says.

"Please," I feel bad for him; he is falling apart right now.

"Say something; I'm begging you—" he says again, I'm not sure, but he could be crying.

"Adam," a voice pipes in, who I believe Juliette is. 

"I will always, always love you."

"No," he says. "No, don't say that—don't say that."

And then, after a few seconds, she runs off, and Y/N and I look at each other, making the 'did you see that face?" look, and I walk off to go find Juliette in the training room, crying.

"So..." I say,

Y/N walks in behind me. It was surprising because I didn't know I was being followed.

"That was one hell of a show back there." "That's the kind of entertainment we never really get underground," she says. 

Her face is dripping with mortification, but I still tease her a little bit more.

"I mean, I just have to say—that last line? ' I wish I could love you less. That was genius. Really, really nice. I think Winston actually shed a tear.

No, it really was amazing. Do you mind if I use that in a movie?" Y/N mockingly asks.

"SHUT UP!" She screams at us.

"I'm serious!" I say, offended. "What that was, I don't know. It was kind of beautiful. I had no idea you guys were so intense."

"One could say he is the Romeo to your Juliette," Sunny added, and we high-fived.

"No offense, but I really don't want to talk to you two right now, okay?" Juliette stuttered.

"Nope. Not okay," he says. "You and me, we have work to do."

"Well, I will take that as my cue to go," Y/N says, and before anyone can protest, she walks off to attend to her other duties.

"No," she says.

"Yes," I say, and pull her up.

Y/N pov

I am fourteen years old again, and Kenji and I are watching a movie on an ancient TV that used to be in Castle's office. On one of the raids, we found some DVDs, and Kenji and I smuggled them out, which, now that I think about it, was very dangerous, but we were so young. I was 14 and Kenji was either 15 or 16, and when Castle found out, he shook his head and pointed his finger at us, but alas, he had a soft spot for us, so he ended up letting us watch the movie anyway. It was called ten things I hate about you. When we were watching it, we were talking to each other. We could never be quiet around each other, and we started talking about how we had never kissed anyone before and we both decided today we would change that, so after a quick handshake we both leaned in, and as quickly as lightning, our lips connected. Then we both pulled back as fast as we could, and I laughed as hard as I could, and we continued watching the movie like usual.

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