Five Seconds

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 Kenji Pov:

Y/N doesn't sleep very often but when she sleeps, she sleeps. She has been passed out on my lap for about a half hour and most of my friends are politely acting like they don't see what is happening except for Ian who keeps smirking at me. At one point Y/N wraps herself up into a ball and snuggles into me when she does so, she gets her hair all into her face. I gently push her hair out of her face. For someone who is so sassy and opinionated when she is awake, when she is asleep you could almost see her as a regular seventeen-year-old girl. I am snapped out of my gaze when I hear a slam on the training room door.

When I look over, I am not surprised to find out that it is Kent.

Juliette is storming after him. I don't know (or care) what they are arguing about and when Juliette marches off, I hear Adam still yell at her from across the room. this caused Y/N to move in my arms and she gets so little sleep I would feel bad if Adam took this away from her too.

"Bro can you please shut up" I demand.

then he scoffs and leaves the room probably going after Juliette again and he just has to slam the damn door Y/N sits up faster than I could blink with a giant gasp and her eyes bolting around the room

"Hey hey hey you're fine that was just Adam being an asshole" she relaxes and slides off of my lap she lets out a little laugh "I'll kill him" I laugh but I don't know if it was a joke "funny joke, right?"


Y/N Pov

Today is the day that the team will be persuading Warner's army to join Juliette. She called us all to the center of the room to tell us the plan. She explained how everyone would get to do something cool but there wasn't really a need for me. I pretended not to feel the air of superiority and malice around her. Apparently, she was still upset that I blamed her for the destruction of my home.

When Kenji and the rest of the group get back, I can immediately tell that Juliette's dumbass plan worked. When I ask Kenji how it went, he gives me the bright smile of a boy who just started a war.

The next couple of days pass in a blur. Everyone is too busy preparing for war to worry.

Everyone except for me it seems. Every time I think about going into that death boat my palms start sweating and my heart starts racing. For the past couple of days my routine has been

Wakeup, drink coffee, sleep but now all my training finally has a purpose.

Juliette, Kenji and I all say goodbye to our friends and James for what could possibly be the last time. They are all going to fight on the front lines, and we are going to break into the ship. At first Juliette didn't want me to come but after reconsidering the fact that I could kill a man with a blink of my eye she reconsidered.

"Ok so for the last time we are all going to stay together and invisible as we search the ship to look for Anderson and then the girls once Anderson is captured or killed, we call for the backup team to seize the ship." I say in a blur trying to hide my wringing hands and quivering voice.

"Yes Y/N it's only the same plan we have been going over for the past week" Juliette says as if hearing my voice is worse than every day in her asylum combined.

I roll my eyes and keep walking until we reach the port and I immediately widen my eyes. The ship is easily fifty times larger than any boat I have ever seen and atop it lies about a hundred shoulders. I bite my lip thinking about how to get in but before I can suggest an idea Juliette simply knocks them all into the water.

So subtle

We all do a mad dash in through the first door we see. I blow it open and Kenji volunteers to go down through the ladder first.

"I'm going in," he says. "Start climbing down in five seconds!"

When my five seconds are done, I climb after him when I get to the bottom I whisper-shout.

"Kenji! Where are you?"

When Juliette reaches the bottom after me, I hold onto her shoulder tightly to make sure I don't lose her too.

"Where is Kenji" she whispers.

"I can't find him, but he is still close because we are still invisible."

"Yeah right" Juliette says, calming down.

Then we turn our heads to the sound of twin footsteps of two men twice our size coming. Juliette pulls my arm to get me to run with her down to the nearest room until those guys pass, then we run in the opposite direction until I stop to look at Juliette wait; I can see Juliette, which means that Kenji is out of range. I push down the thoughts that maybe something bad happened to him. she turns around at the gasp of my voice and realizes she can see me.

at that moment we are caught like deer in headlights by a group of soldiers who upon seeing us raise their guns and start firing I suspend the bullets in midair before they can reach us out of the corner of my eye, I see Juliette smashing a door and then she pulls me through giving us a second she then smashes through the floor she looks up at me expectantly for me to jump through.

When I do, we immediately start running again until we reach more soldiers, and we need to jump through the floor again eventually we get circled by soldiers all shooting and miraculously I am able to block all the bullets and then Juliette knocks out all the soldiers and then we are running again.

After turning endless corners, we go through a door, and I couldn't be more relieved with who is behind it.

"Sara Sonya!" I rush towards them and give them both a giant hug. I separate to look at their faces where I see that both Sonya and sara are both looking safe and fed.

"Are you guys ok?" Juliette is clearly less emotional.

"Yes, we are fine, we actually saw Kenji not two long ago."

"What direction did he go in?" I ask.

"I'm not sure," Sonya says after a moment.

"Ok I will go look for him."

"Wait- Juliette!" I start but the door is already starting to close behind her.

"Are you guys ok to be left alone?" I ask, looking at the girls.

"Yeah" Sonya says, "go find them."

I leave the room just in time to catch Juliette turning a corner then I hear a startled gasp and gunshots. When I stick my head around the corner, I see a group of four men shooting through Juliette as she punches through the wall again. The men follow after her and I grab my gun thinking about what I should do. I end up turning around to see if Kenji went the other way when a thought hits me.

What if he is injured and is hiding out? This thought has me opening doors and looking inside before I get to the third room.

I see some kid and I immediately shoot at him but then something hits me like a bomb exploding I fly back and try to use my power to repel the force but I hit my head when I fell so it only buys me a couple of seconds but the hits are relenting I've regained my feet and now I am pushing my power forward with so much force that he flies back until he is pressed against the wall I keep pushing until my adrenaline runs out and I collapse.

hey yall I would like to start by saying I am so sorry with how long this chapter took. but i will try to write more often. I love yall and thank you for supporting me. I was looking at how many reads my story had and almost 5k reads is actually crazy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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