Stay by me (Part 1)

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We're lining up to leave and Kenji has regained a lot of his strength after eating but he still is resting a discreet hand on my shoulder for balance. Castle has divided us into small groups mine consists of Kenji Juliette and Adam.

I can't get away from those two.

I triple check I have everything I need on me for the third time,usually when I go on missions, I am calm and collected but now I have a little bit of nervous energy that I can't quite get rid of. our group has made it out of omega point, and it is so cold it could be snowing, and it is raining hard.

Lucky for us, we have Kenji. The 4 of us are already invisible.

We hear gunshots and then wordlessly move towards the action. When we got there, there were twenty-seven civilians lined up awaiting their death. The soldiers or should I say executioners are debating how to kill them and what to do with the bodies when their conversation is interrupted by a gunshot killing the first man in line. The shooter isn't even done aiming for the second person in line before i sink a bullet into his neck before the rest of the group can process what happened the rest of the soldiers are dead.

We're screaming for the people to follow us, we're herding them back to the compounds, yelling for them to stay down, to stay out of sight; we tell them help is coming and we'll do whatever we can to protect them and they're trying to reach out to us, to touch us, to thank us and take our hands but we don't have time. We have to hurry them to some semblance of safety and move on to wherever the rest of this decimation is taking place.

And then we are running again just following Kenji.

He weaves his way through a demolished cluster of compounds, and we know something has gone horribly wrong. There's no sign of life anywhere. The little metal boxes that used to house civilians are completely destroyed and we don't know if there were people inside when this happened.

But we have to keep looking.

We move deeper through the regulated territory, these pieces of land dedicated to human habitation, until we hear a rush of footsteps, the sound of a softly churning mechanical sound.

The tanks.

We follow the noise and then something explodes about fifty feet away from where we are and we are running through the wreckage to where the giant fire is.

But when we get there, I feel like throwing up.

There are so many bodies lying around some are familiar faces but most are strangers or so mutilated that I cannot even tell ,but there isn't even time to focus on that because there is war waging around us I see someone creep up behind Kenji and shoot them then I pivot and see Juliette has gotten wrestled to the ground and I trade my gun for my knife and sink it into his back hopefully hitting a lung but the moment after I stab him when I am crouched down someone takes a slash at me with their own knife and with a little bit of concentration I send them flying twenty feet away.

then after Juliette has gotten from under the limp body of the man I stabbed I grab her arm and pull her up wiping my bloody knife on my pants before trading it for a gun however everyone here knows the face of Juliette AND we are popular targets Warner's men appear to try to capture Juliette or die trying I shoot two before they get to us and Juli punches another and throughout this time the only significant thought in my head is that I have never seen war before

"Y/N duck!" she yells barely audible over the sound of chaos.

Not even a second after a bullet whizzes towards me and I instinctually freeze it in air.

Whoa that was cool.

Then I hear Juliette's scream.

She has been tackled to the ground and before I can get a clear shot someone kicks me in the back, I roll over just in time to miss a bullet burst into the pavement right next to me while I am on my back, I try to shoot at them but due to the rain that is now turning into sleet and all the motion I missed. I blink and then they are on top of me close enough to see her features with high cheekbones and plump lips you would think that this woman would be more fit for modeling instead of fighting. but before I can give her my career advise she tries to slit my throat but before she can I dig my gun into the spot right under ribs and shoot.

It wasn't a clean shot and I see her face crumple with pain, and I know that she won't die quickly so I make a mental note to grieve later, and I take her knife off of her hands before rolling over and standing up I tuck her knife into one of the pockets of my pants.

I look for Juliette, but she must have already been carried off then briefly think about Kenji but then I push that thought out of my head he is perfectly capable without my help so then I start running looking for Juliette because she is one of omega points most powerful assets and I can't find her she could be going in any direction and I wouldn't know where she was. eventually when I realize she is either dead or taken I decide the best way to help would be to get out of the thick of the fighting and try to take people out from a more concealed place.

I get closer to the compounds and find a short little wall that would be perfect, and I walk over the foundation of what used to be somebody's home I crouch down and reload my gun and start sniping people.

When both my guns are out of ammo, I curse myself for being so stupid and accept my fate and assess my options I can stay here and be relatively safe or I can go back to the battle with nothing but two knives I sigh and march towards my death.

I see Kenji amongst the chaos, and I fight my way over to him when he sees me, he nods and says.

"How's it going" he says lightheartedly but I can still hear the shaking in his voice.

"Juliette is captured or dead."

"And I lost Adam."


But our conversation is cut short when we see a tankful of Warner's soldiers joining the battlefield I see somebody approach I reach into Kenji's pant pocket and pull out extra ammunition I load it into my gun thankful that everyone at omega point uses the same type of gun and I shoot at somebody approaching me then when I look towards Kenji I have lost him again I see two people coming to me and I shoot at the one closest to me but miss trading my gun for a knife I concentrate and throw the person nearest to me to the other end of the battlefield and I face the guy who I am about to fight he tilts his head a little probably trying to be intimidating but I give him a little laugh and say

"What scared"

He lunges at me I see he only has a knife on his person, and I fight back.

The battle seems to go on forever him swiping out with his knife and me stepping back until I get bored of that and attempt to stab him when we are both on offense he quickly gets tired and then I am the one attempting to stab him and he is trying to side step it until he trips and he rolls over onto his back and tries to get up I tackle him back down and now I am straddling him and about to slit his throat he looks into my eyes and I hesitate only for a second but then I do it and before I can even stand up I fall back down not three feet from where I was before and I feel a thud in my head and I close my eyes.

I slowly regain consciousness then I open my eyes and my limbs ache in a way that suggests that I have been out for more than a day then I smell smoke and I forget where I am until I hear screaming and then I realize I am terribly cold I move my arms which causes an involuntary gasp of pain because everything hurts and I see that I am buried under a thin layer of snow I sit up and immediately regret it because my head hurts like a bitch and then I piece together what must of happened someone had to of hit me in the back of the head with a knife or gun and knocked me out I look around me and see snow and blood and ice and mangled corpses everywhere I try to stand up and I immediately sit back down after a few seconds I stand up again and this time I get almost out of the battle field but then I slip on the mixture of souring blood and ice I land on my stomach and scream at the face I see next to me it was one of my friends at omega point

Linda who was in charge of handling the livestock. I stare at her blank face I can still see the laugh lines around her face and her wispy bangs were matted with blood she had several bullet wounds in her chest and for a second, I am overcome with sadness but then I close her eyes and move on

I stand up again and leave the battlefield this time watching my step and somehow make it to the street nearby omega point before putting my back against the skeleton of a dead tree to rest for a second when over the hill I see a familiar head of dark hair.


Hello my loves. I updated sooner than usual yay🥳in case you were wondering who Linda she was is a character from chapter 4, training Juliette. also, the next chapter is going to be sad so bring your tissues!

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