Stay by me (Part 2)

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"Kenji, Oh my god!"

I look over to where the familiar voice is, and it's Y/N there, alive.

And immediately we are running to each other. I pull her into a hug, and we stay like that for a solid moment until eventually I pull away, wondering if she can breathe.

"Sunshine, I thought you were dead!"

"I'm so glad that you are okay," she tells me.

"What happened to you?" I ask her.

"That's not important; I'm cold. Let's go home," she says, going back to where Omega Point is.


"Erm Y/N I don't really think that is the best idea."

I trail off, not knowing how to say that Omega Point does not exist anymore, but it doesn't really matter what I say because she ignored me. I wish I could stop her from seeing what is about to happen, but I can't, and even though her back is to me, I can still tell when she sees it.

Her whole body stiffens, and she lets out a little gasp. I can see the swirl of her breath in the cold air, and she furrows her brows like she can't process what's happening. I see her eyes become shiny, and she puts her hand over her mouth. I catch her after her already wobbly knees give out. Though she pulls away from me to keep looking at the damage, I hear her say a little 

"It's gone?" under her breath, and then she is crying. No, I don't think crying is the right word; she is more of sobbing. She is kneeling on the snow, burying her head into her hands, and bawling. Her sobs are broken by her gasps for air, and she looks back at the wreckage, and that just makes her cry harder.

"Hey hey hey hey

It's ok, it's ok," I tell her. For as long as we had been friends, I had only seen her cry a handful of times, but this was worse than all of them combined. As I held her in my arms, I could feel her shaking, and my heart broke for her too.

Then I see Juliette coming out of the treeline, and I remember that she is here too. I wrap my arms around Y/N tighter because I know Y/N, and I know that she wouldn't want Juliette to see her this vulnerable.

Juliette slows, and I can tell she is deciding if she should come closer or stay away. Eventually, she decides to come closer.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, but guys, we need to go." 

I feel her body still, then stiffen, and then she pulls away from me. Through the snow, I see her face, which is now dampened with tears and her runny nose. She makes a half-hearted attempt to wipe at her face with her sleeve—no arm: for the first time, I take in her attire; it's the same thing that she left in: cargo pants and a tactical shirt. Her face hardens, and she looks at Juliette, not as a glare per se, but as a wrestler would look at their opponent before a match.

"What?" I hear Y/N say her voice is raw from the crying, but that doesn't make her words any less threatening.

"Oh, I'm sorry I-"

"You're not sorry." 

by now Y/N has stood up to her full height and if she stepped closer, she would be towering over Juliette.

"You never cared about omega point or Kenji or me or anyone else, did you even care about Adam?" Juliette is to stunned to speak, Y/N's words were like a punch to the throat.

"This is all your fault, if you would've never come here, they would all still be alive."

A tear starts to slide down Juliette's face, we both know that Y/N is right.

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