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Kenji Pov

We have exactly 1 hour and 28 minutes before we're supposed to meet the supreme commander, and the plan is:

Y/N and every able-bodied body from Omega Point are already in position. They left half an hour ago. They're hiding in the abandoned buildings skirting the circumference of the meeting point indicated in the note. They will be ready to engage in an offensive strike just as soon as Castle gives the signal-and Castle will only give that signal if he senses we're in danger.

Adam, Juliette and I are going to travel by foot. One of the few things working in our favor is that I know the area well due to being sent on previous jobs here.

"So, what do you think we should do? Just ring the doorbell?" I ask to cut the tension.

"Would that be too much? Maybe we should just knock?" Juliette laughs, but it is halfhearted at best. I shake out my hand to stop the trembling in it, and I wonder how Y/N is doing, this is dangerous for us both.

When we get to 1542 Sycamore, unsurprisingly, it looks abandoned. With the roof caving in unto itself from years of neglect and weeds growing in between the cracked concrete of the driveway, I wonder why the supreme commander would want to meet here.

Juliette tells us to stay invisible, so things do not escalate too quickly, and she goes inside. Adam and I creep around the house to the living room window to watch what is happening. After a while, I say:

"Well, this isn't awkward at all, just two bros holding hands,"

"We are not bros" Adam says with disgust, painting his tone.

"Not with that attitude; we aren't," I correct.

Then, when Warner comes to the living room and Juliette has completely lost her shit, I pull Adam to the back door so we can discreetly get into the crime scene and regain the upper hand.

I open the thankfully unlocked door and step in, attempting not to make creak in the wood creak. Adam apparently doesn't get the memo and walks a little too close to a curtain. It whispers with movement, and Warner turns around and looks directly at where we are standing. I stop breathing and put 100% of my focus into making sure we stay invisible. I feel Adam tense beside me, and I look into Warner's face, looking for a sign on his face that something is wrong, but after a few seconds, he gives his head a little shake and goes back to watching Anderson and Juliette.

I let out an inaudible breath of relief. I grab a sedative for Warner, but then he does something unexpected... He points the gun at his father, Anderson, who does not blink, and he points his gun at Juliette. After a moment, he backhands Warner hard. The action stole the breath of everybody in the room. Warner sways for a moment, and I think he might faint from how much blood he is losing, but he just steadies himself and grinds his teeth.

But then, in an action so fast that if I had blinked, I would have missed it, Juliette's hand is around Anderson's throat, and he is pinned to the wall. Juliette has a crazed look in her eyes, and she has the barest hint of a smirk on her face.

"Drop the gun," she says in a little bit of a whisper, an invisible threat behind her words.

There is a clatter on the floor, and Anderson is there soon after. He is rubbing his neck and gasping for air while unsuccessfully trying to stand up. After a moment of her aiming, she shoots him in the leg. Anderson is yelling, "Adam is deadly." Still, I am trying to remember protocol while praying everybody's mouth was closed because everybody in the room now has blood dusted on them. Juliette shoots him again in the other leg, and as she aims for his heart, I snap out of my daze and let go of Adam's hand, making us both visible, and he turns around to get the hostages, who are in really bad shape, out of the house, and I run to Juliette to stop her from killing him. I grab her by her waist and yank her away, making her shot go haywire, and suddenly I am shaking her so hard that her head is bobbing back and forth.

The Light in this Dark World (Kenji Kishimoto x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora