Just breathe

328 4 18

Y/N Pov

I am at the impromptu meeting. Castle has just called because there are less than 12 hours before the fight and he has some big news he would like to discuss. He barely starts talking before somebody asks.

"What about our men?"

"Where is the guarantee that we will get Winston and Brendan back?"

"There is no guarantee, my friend. There never is. But we will do our best. We will not give up." Castle says

"Then what good was it to take the kid hostage?" he protests. "Why not just kill him? Why are we keeping him alive? He's done us no good, and he's eating our food and using resources that should go to the rest of us!"

In a different situation, I might agree with them, and I certainly cannot blame these scared people because this man ruined people's lives.

But now Castle is angry.

"STOP!" Castle's hands are in the air, and his eyes are on fire. Every table and chair in the room has begun to rattle. People are looking around, scattered and scared, and unnerved.

They're still unwilling to undermine Castle's authority.

"Our hostage," Castle begins, "is no longer a hostage."

"He has come to me just tonight," Castle says, "and asked for sanctuary at Omega Point."

There is one moment of silence while people are processing, and seemingly all at once, people shout out their complaints. People are yelling across the room, and it is pure chaos.
"SILENCE! PLEASE!" Castle holds out another hand to quell the explosion of protests.

He says, "We have recently discovered that he, too, has a gift. And he says he wants to join us. He says he will fight with us tomorrow. He says he will fight against his father and help us find Brendan and Winston."


I meet Kenji's eyes, and he has the same expression as me: disbelief but still loyalty.

For about ten seconds, there is outrage. There is pandemonium, and then I look over to Castle for his reaction.

 Castle's eyes narrow, flashing under the fluorescent lights, and his hands move through the air like whisks, gathering up every plate, every spoon, every glass cup in the room and he holds them there, right in midair, daring someone to speak, to shout, to disagree.

"You will not touch him," he says quietly. "I took an oath to help the members of our kind and I will not break it now. Think of yourselves!" he shouts. "Think of the day you found out! Think of the loneliness, the isolation, the terror that overcame you! Think of how you were cast off by your families and your friends! You don't think he could be a changed man? How have you changed, friends? You judge him now! You judge one of your own who asks for amnesty!"

"How do you know?" someone asks. A new voice, a calm voice, a voice struggling to be rational.

The voice sitting right beside me.

Adam gets to his feet. Swallows, hard. Says, "How do you know he has a gift? Have you tested him?"

"Yes," Castle says. "We know that he, like you, can touch Juliette."

Everyone is staring next to me at Juliette she looks visibly panicked so I do my best to shift my person and to lean so that she can hide her face behind me then I look over to Adam for his reaction he storms out of the cafeteria.

Damn some shit is about to go down.

Kenji starts to follow him, and I don't want to be left behind, so I tag along with him wordlessly. We start holding hands, and he turns us invisible. We find the spot where the two were having their conversation to hear it.

The Light in this Dark World (Kenji Kishimoto x reader)Where stories live. Discover now