My clothes look good on you

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Kinji Kishimoto Pov

 How I am going to complete my mission. I have no clue Y/N and I haven't been apart for more than a few days in years. So now I wonder if I die in this mission, how long will it take her to forget me and to relive our memories with someone else. As I travel away on this snowy day, I watch her with her hair whipping around in her face and her nose that's starting to turn red with the cold. Finally, when she is a mere speck in my vision I turn away and wonder how I will live without her.

Y/N L/N Pov

The days pass me by in a blur of routine. I have taken Kenji's position as Castle's second in command so that plus my training and the research leaves me collapsing into my bed every day heavy with exhaustion. Not that I am complaining, constantly working leaves the mind busy, a busy mind leaves less room for pondering. I get closer to Lilly, a short talkative girl with gorgeous curls and Ailia a quiet girl who's the smartest person I know.

Seven Months Later 

I walk away from the infirmary and to the girls' dormitories. I yawn, closing my eyes in exhaustion when I open them, the person I expect to see the least is a mere ten feet away from me limp-running to me. I barely have time to start running to him when I am enveloped in his musky rain aroma and just like that my eyes glass over in happy tears when Kenji spins me around 

"God, I missed you" his voice breaks on the last word and we stand like that until I remember his limp, I reluctantly pull away from his grasp to see his leg.

"What the ever-loving hell happened to you!"

I see a part of his pant leg blooming with blood
"Come on! "He says grabbing my hand and not answering my question we turn the corner, and he darts into the infirmary announcing he needs a stretcher in parking garage Sara and Sonya were the only ones in there because it was well after curfew but with the help of Sara, I get a stretcher set up and before we run off to the parking garage, I ask Kenji 

"Do you need to stay here, what happened to your leg, do you have ferra-"

"I am fine and yes I have her, but we need to go now, also were you in my room?"I wondered why he would ask that until I looked down at my attire and remembered I was wearing one of Kenji's hoodies that I got from his room a couple months agoI scratch the back of my head but before I can respond Kenji has grabbed my hand again and we are now rushing to the parking garage. 

In the garage There is a sleeping boy, a cheap looking car, a very hot girl and a very injured boy. The hot girl I mean Juliette Ferrars is panicking to get the injured boy, who is Adam Kent out of the car the girls are trying to use their words to tell Juliette to step away because they can't touch her, but she is relentless until I use my power to push her out of the way and simultaneously, I lift the broken boy to his stretcher. I step towards Kenji who is trying to console Juliette, but she is either daft or in shock (probably the latter but I am not ruling out the first one) and is panicking and asking Kenji who he is.

"I didn't want to do this" and he plunges a sedative into her veins. This brings out something wild in her. I can instantly feel the shift in her attitude, when she goes to punch Kenji and she doesn't miss. She wastes no time before she tries again and this time Kinji catches her arm again skin on skin Juliette tries scratching his face but I instead of trying to restrain her I force her to sleep and catch her being careful to only touch her clothes and I lay her onto the ground then I turn around to ask Kenji"Are you ok did she hurt you on a scale of one to ten rate your pa""Y/N I'm fine" 

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