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 I'm not sure I have ever told you how my day goes at omega point. I wake up, shower, get ready and right before breakfast I walk to Kenji's dormitory so we can talk while going to breakfast then but today I do something new and eat with Juliette yesterday and today I have stopped eating with my other friends besides because Juliette strikes me as the kind of girl who doesn't like big groups of people she hardly knows then I train with Juliette where she doesn't make as much progress as she did yesterday we go to lunch then I go back to the training quarters to practice my abilities and hopefully build up some more stamina but then when I am exhausted I go to the research center so the twins and some others can work on their cure for low stamina castle figured I would be the best for the job of guinea pig because I have the most "potential" then I head down to Castles office and run some errands for him then I hang out and talk to Kenji until lights out


I am walking to the research center with a massive headache because it turns out I can levitate myself and I did not get much sleep yesterday because of Adam and his creepiness.

I was walking back to our dorm with Sonya and sara when I open the door and Juliette and Adam are mid make-out sesh she's sitting up looking like a deer caught in headlights making it awkward for everyone.

"Oh!" Sara says.

"Um." Sonya looks down.

Adam swears under his breath.

"What the hell man do you need to do that on my bed there's like 80 million storage closets here any one of them is better than our room"

Like I get it they are sooooo in "love" but is that much P.D.A. necessary I am not interested in relationships (because I don't believe in love if two people can conquer all circumstances and be in love and then fall out of love what's to say that cannot happen to all of us) but if I were you can bet, I wouldn't be acting all lovey-dovey everywhere and kissing on other people's beds

"We can come back later—," the twins say together.

They're headed out the door when I stop them.

"No, we won't Adam please get out" Juliette agrees with me and asks them to not leave.

Then she looks like she regrets her choice for a split second then she kisses him and when he stands up, I practically push him out the door Sonya is about to speak, but then.

a switch

a click

a flicker

and the lights are out.

But that wasn't the end then I had to deal with Juliette's embarrassment radiating down onto me and that of course made me guilty.

But I apologized to her today so we should be good, and I know what you're thinking "but Kinji comes into your dormitory against the rules" and I would say good point, but we aren't about to procreate, and everyone actually likes Kenji not that I have anything against Adam I just do not think he is right for Juliette

I finally get to the research center I feel like I could pass out from the walk alone then I get to the room of Sara Sonya and the other doctors chemists and the other members of the ragtag team devoted on finding a cause to my "deficiency" I watch out a window (not a window to the outside of course I haven't looked through one of those in years) while I am poked and prodded at and taking expermentory pills and having liquid shot into my veins Ya' know the average day

Then just when I am telling a lady in scrubs that whatever they just did was working because I feel energized, I see something unexpected Kinji coming through and an eggplant- no Juliette Ferrars

The Light in this Dark World (Kenji Kishimoto x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ