Fish in a barrel

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Y/N Pov

There is someone here.

I barely had time to load my gun before the door bursts open.

It was Aaron Warner.

I fire a shot before the door is fully open, catching him off guard. He pulls out a pistol from somewhere in his long gray overcoat and aims it directly at me.

"Put the gun down," he tries telling me, and I scoff.

"I will put it down your throat," I say, my voice sounding calm but simultaneously full of fire.

He cocks his gun. "For your information, it wasn't me."

"Like I give a shit, give me one reason I shouldn't put a hole in your head." Everyone let's out a little gasp, surprised that I would say such things because of how pro-peace I was before, but I don't care; it's the least he and his bloodline deserve.

"Y/N stop!" Juliette yells running into the situation warner glances away for a second and I take that opportunity to get closer to him and press the barrel of my gun into the side of his head out of the corner of my eye I see Adam pull Juliette back to try to talk some sense into her, but she pulls out of his grip anyway.

Please," she says with her voice shaking, "Don't shoot him."

I almost laugh out loud.

"And why the hell not?"

"Juliette, love," "I do appreciate you defending me, but really, I'm quite able to handle the situation."

"It's eight against one," Juliette says, as if she has already had enough of Warner's theatrics. "They've all got guns pointed at your face. I'm pretty sure you need my interference."

He attempts to maneuver quickly and grab my gun, a method I am sure has worked dozens of times before, but I was predicting it, and in the commotion, I pointed my gun down and shot him in the torso.

He hits the floor almost instantly, and I make sure he cannot get back up. I straddle his torso and fish one of my knives out of my pants.

"Do not fucking try that with me, Warner" I sneer.

"Y/N!" I hear someone yell at me from across the room, but I can barely hear them over the ringing in my ears. I see Warner seething with pain under me, but like when he murdered dozens of children, mercy isn't exactly part of my plan.

"You son of a bitch, you killed them like fish in a barrel." I find the knife after forgetting which pocket it was in 

"Y/N stop!" Juliette screams at me. I am not looking at her, but I can hear the tears streaming down her face.

"God-dammit Juliet, I need to do this; He deserves it."

I take my knife and drive it into his heart, but where I am expecting to meet flesh, there is only air, and I realize I have been pulled backwards. I am pulled into Kenji's chest. I am screaming and cussing at him to let me go and finish what I started, but he only holds me tighter. Eventually, I see that there is no getting out of his grasp.

I see Juliette rushing to Warner. She is frantically checking the gunshot, but I already know it wasn't fatal. I see Juliette reveal the wound, and I see that it has barely grazed his waist.

Warner looks up with barely contained fear, but in under a second, he replaces his expression with a little bit of a smirk.

"Maybe next time you will hit something more than skin."

Kenji holds onto me tighter in the fear that I will go feral and rip Warner's throat out, and in his defense, I thought about it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask Warner pointedly, and he does not look at me as he addresses the whole room

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