Chapter 10

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By the time dinner had come around, I had checked off so much on my to-do list, I was floating on a happy cloud. I loved checking things of my lists and feeling productive. I was sat with Mela and the ladies when I saw Matt and Mia make their way towards the taverna.

The first thing I noticed was that they weren't holding hands, or even within a foot of distance of each other. Strange for two people madly in love.

I rose and told the women my clients had arrived, Mela nodded and said, "I really should stop chatting and get back to work as well."

I made my way to a free table and sat down, getting my planners out of my bag while keeping one eye on Matt and Mia.

When Mia pointed to where I was sitting, it seemed to snap Matt out of his daze, and he glanced up. He instantly pulled Mia to his side and smiled down on her. I turned back to the table and frowned, was he trying to make me jealous?

They took their seats opposite me, and Mia jumped into her Little Miss Sunshine mode, her pervious, moody looking expression gone. I threw myself into work mode and started.

"So, good news and bad news. I got the licence for the use of the external area of the church. It's within the budget Mia gave me for the whole wedding and with only décor to order, I was confident we would have more than enough to cover. The bad news is they won't fast track the application for a religious wedding and with the paperwork, I really don't think we should look to apply. We don't have the time."

Mia nodded, "that's good, so what like we'll have the reception here?" she asks, looking around.

I twisted in my seat and pointed towards the church as I spoke, "We'll have area there by the church and around. I have a map that shows the area in which the permit covers."

Mia nodded, "so we can decorate the front of the harbour? That's so magical."

I nodded, "it will be. I'm really excited for you two." And I was, because I was excited to plan this wedding and make it happen. I was ignoring all aspects of my clients and focusing on the fact this was a destination wedding that I was planning, and that meant it would be successful.

Matt nodded, "what else would you do?"

I frowned, caught a little off guard at his question. "Sorry?"

"What else would you do, if it was you getting married here?" he added.

What the hell?

"Well...erm, I don't know, I haven't really thought about it since it's not me actually getting married," I replied.

"But you have thought about it," he added.

What the fuck is he playing at? Of course I've thought about it, I've dreamt of this wedding since the postcard, and he knows that, but why is he bringing it up now.

"Well of course she's thought about a wedding Matty, why do you want to know what she wants, it's what we want, what I want isn't it?" Mia interrupted.

I turned my attention to Mia, "right, exactly. It's your wedding," I laughed, "you need to tell me what you think, what you have in mind. Have a look on Pinterest for..."

"No," Matt interrupts, just as Demetri walks over and places some glasses of water down. I was used to Matts rudeness, so I learnt to overlook it. Demetri placed the drinks down, Matts with more force than necessary and stood. He folded his arms across his chest, the tray now hanging from under his armpit. "Thanks," Matt muttered, absolutely oblivious to the hunk of a man standing over him.

"Look Alana," Matt continued then frowned, as though he had only just noticed the shadow cast over him. He looked up, and up, until I saw his gaze meet Demetris. "Do you need something?" Matt spoke, annoyance lacing his tone.

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