"Hearts Miles Apart"

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He was young and so was he. They connected spontaneously, over the webs and nets that is our digital era. He was curious, it was time to dabble in the mysteries of life. And there he was, eyes locked on a screen. A bubble popped up with a simple "hey." After a response and some chit chat, they clicked like a mouse. They smiled at the texts sprawled upon the screen. Sugary and filled with diabetes was this phase of young love. And every day, messages were exchanged. Every day, they grabbed their cans attached to strings and whispered heart shaped sentences to one another out of their windows, building their love's thread stronger, and pulling each other's hearts in over the long distances they were separated by...
Every morning saw "good morning" and every night saw "goodnight". Through days, and through months, of progress and charm, "I love you" was written, and written in return. Whispered as it was printed on glowing white. And sent off for the view, for the smile, for the blush red cheeks. Photographic flirtation and dream invitations. Voice calls of crisp tones, sweet sounds, and warm talk. His heart was colliding and his was as well. But time came to pass. Time challenged us to last. Our shared secrets, deep discussions, vulnerable moments, and pleasant nights, were subtly fading. No more good mornings, and less goodnights. Slowly the love was being muted. He didn't give up, he believed when a thread of love breaks, another forms within its wake. Yet the strings of their hearts would no longer stitch. Mutually stashing each other in the shadows of the forgotten. Yet he kept on fighting, he kept on trying, he kept on prying to unlock it once more. But love...love was no more. And he grew tired of fighting for something that was finished. At times he felt like he was holding on to something that would never be in arms reach. Regretfully and reluctantly, he pulled his can and string from the window, ever so easily. As it was not attached to its counterpart. He set it in the drawer, and slowly refreshed his life. Every now and then, he'd open the drawer, and look at his love's torn thread and can, flash backing to those days, reminiscing all those emotions. Cherishing what once was, holding them dear to his heart, never getting the feeling to lock and key his past and walk away from it...

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