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There he was...Rising from the broken crystal shards of his new beginnings, his azure wings bared extending and releasing the hope and ambition he so desired.

Brushed foot limbs ignited the fires of his soul to stand up to his defeats and focus on his future winnings. The others were struggling to flutter and glide towards the colorful goals in which they will nestle. He had yet to experience the airs he will bound and the waves of freedom he is destined to inhabit. He was scared.

With a small linger away from the chambers in which he was locked in, he gathered the strength in his fans on his back and rose gracefully. And when he rose he glided towards the golden sun layered with miles of emerald grassy seas. Feeling the winds of change against his face.

Blowing and soothing away the fears he was embellished with. The fears of his future, of the change, the adventure. The moment he controlled the airs of his fate, he was happy...he was ready. Ready to soar and take life by the storm and electrify the virtues he had unknowingly wielded within himself all along.

Afraid no more, the others followed, a swarm of excellence to be, a flutter of bright futures glimmering and shimmering in colors of vibrancy. They didn't know where they were going, or how long they would be together.

But they will fly the miles and drift through skies for days on days until they've managed to reach the peaks and lavish in the sweets of glory. As he was journeying through the complexities of life, I captured him in Greta oto glass. Staring at his powerful ambition to be let go through the translucency of it all.

...So I did, I opened the jar, and the moment he, the little azure knight, broke free, and was released, I realized what I honed and had all along. I realized who I was. Understanding that this was my spirit... yearning to break free on this escapade of life's many trials to reach my(our) independent grandeur...

These burnt pages and torn sheets, have mended back into paper life. My internal butterfly has given me the bravery to be all that I can be. Lifting me towards flights of stairs in skies. And when I feel myself forgetting the roots of my tree, I will feel my heart lead back to where it belongs when you are finally ready to land...

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