"Riverwood Childhood"

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Innocence and youth surpassing all the truths. Layered cherry trees and walls of baby blue. Emerald grassy seas of eternal childhood. Prime of their adolescence, they never understood.

No cares, no worry, it was days of play always. The winds Ruffled the birch as we ran under the Rays. The fields of imagination, oh the stories we have told. We were knights during the evening, we were oh so bright and bold.

And when night fell we were just a bunch of kids. Kids that had some dreams and made them real before we slept. We'd shut our apartment doors, clock out and call time. Yet never would they have known one day it'd be their last rise and shine.

And cross roads began to split, everyone taking their own. Threads of friendship stretched by the miles they will go. An endless stool unwinding, never breaking what they've sowed. Casually, and steadily, their kiddish chats get wrapped and mute. Stored away in attics of change, locked and keyed within their roots.

All those memories they will hold dearly to their hearts, and their faded but still viewable by every single part. Everlasting, what they've made imprinted on Riverwood walls. This was their world...their very own to call.

This was the essence of their youth.

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