"Midnight Miles"

46 21 10

I will rest my head on cotton ivories.
Amidst the extremities of abyssal sleep.
With eyes wide open, languishing in
The darknesses of midnight's hold.
Tossing and turning in the springs and coils of a restless night, with my thoughts rafting down the streams of silky satin consciousness everlastingly...
My self will pry for the entrance to a dream to rest in the sugars of freedom.

Yet I will think myself to insomnia,
Battling the warriors of my own wonder and the Knights of constant ponder, while sleep becomes fonder...
Yet hours will pass and again I will not.
Fighting for the control of my train of thought, suppressed by the pitch black
Attacks of worry and angst, my head
Goes to great lengths to dive me into utter nuances of daydreams in the night...

Staring at black skies of dimmed ceilings, trying to undo the sealings of my trap to mingle and flee towards the
Paradises of closed eyes and lullabies.
Yet my mind will run miles at midnight.
On tracks of sheets and abyssal plumes...
With my energies and mentalities dwindling in the cosmic turmoils of my bedroom...

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