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One by one the crystals chamber shatter. Rising the future generations of the new life to be. Swallowtails, Morphos, and Monarchs awaken from the shards of evolutionary change. Dazzling the world with the iridescence of their color and striking beauty. With their glamor and their flutter they leave him and the world in awe. Wings dipped in the paints of the Creator, stiletto thin appendages, they were the super models of this all. There he stood a caterpillar in his chamber morphing into his new self. Excitement and then fear of the unknown over flowing through his veins. What was to come from here on out? Shyly, he pecked his way out of the sleeves of new beginnings, arising as not what he's expected. No, alas, he was not the sweet lovely flyers of buttery goodness, but instead a drab melancholy moth. Dressed in browns, whites, and blacks, he was less than stellar, and cooperatively felt so. And as days went on and sunlight bared upon the glades he was hiding from the views because of his internal dismay. The brushed foots would play, and love, living lives of all you would dream for. Yet he was in the shutters, shuttering in his tears. During sunsets, he would peer out, and the glades would be silent. The moon would rise in, and so would he. Scavenging his new found world but with no others of his liking found. He was the only one... Some may interpret that as special, yet to him it was misery. There was no love and there was no play, therefore in result he never felt the life he was supposed to. All he had was the glimmer of the moon, and it's beauty emanating upon him. Wishing he was capable of flying up there with it...escaping the turmoils in which he fell in. A night of sorrow brought one last question...a question he hoped would be answered. When will it be his turn...? His turn to live and love...

Yet he was a moth, and under appreciated, uncared, and unnoticed he shall be...

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