Jordyn III

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As I leave the coffee shop, I couldn't help but think about Chelsea. But I have a feeling that I won't be thinking like this for long.

Captain, or should I say, my sister, called me to come in. On my day off. It's not often I had those. But here I am, making my way to the station from my apartment, in uniform.

I got through the door and said my hellos to the guys on desk duty today. Poor dudes.

I made my to the Captain's office.

"Zoey?" I called out as I poked my head through the door. She was sat at her desk.

"Jordyn. I don't normally do this but I need you and Vasquez to go and do a quick gas leak check at a house for me. They called in today and I told them I'd send my best."

Now, you'd think that she's being biased because I'm her sister, but if I am being honest, I do out shine the others a little bit. I'm faster, stronger and everybody seems to love me. But one, we don't talk about him, though.

"Sure." I simply said.

"Thank you. I love you. Take the Aid Car." she said with that big sister smile she always wore.

"Okay. I love you too." I replied.

Grabbed the keys for the Aid Car with Vasquez and made our way to the address Zoey sent us. It was a nice house. Really nice. But we weren't here to look at it. We were here for the safety of others.

I knocked on the door, with the kit in hand. A lady with golden blonde hair answered the door.

"Good morning, ma'am. We're called to check for a possible gas leak?" Vasquez says. She always took the talking bits for me.

"Uh, yeah. Come on in." and she opened the door wider to let us in.

"One of my daughters and her kid is upstairs and the other one will be home soon. Just so you know." she said.

We both nodded and Vasquez got a methane and carbon monoxide detector out, while I checked the all of the gas supplies.

"It's a lovely home you have Mrs?" Vasquez asked.

"Davies. And thank you."

We heard the door open and Mrs Davies said hi to who I assumed to be her other daughter. I didn't bother turn around because I had a job to do.

"Jordyn? What're you doing here?" a familiar voice say.

"Chelsea?" I turned around to see the young lady in front of me. "We're checking for gas leaks and I found the problem. The oven was on."

"Oh! That must have been Lucy, she's only five, she doesn't quite understand the oven yet and why it's dangerous." Mrs Davies exclaimed.

"Do you mind if I have a talk with her? Maybe if she heard it from a fire fighter she might take it seriously." I suggest.

"Sure. I would never have thought about that." Mrs Davies says.

She went upstairs to get Lucy. Meanwhile, I looked at Chelsea. She was looking at me. We looking directly at each other, in the eyes. This felt weird, I don't normally make eye contact with people I don't know.

I was finally able to let my gaze go somewhere else as Mrs Davies held Lucy in her arms. She looked rather nervous.

"This is a fire fighter, she want to talk to you about something very serious, so you need to listen. Okay?" she said to the small girl. Another woman, who I presumed to be Lucy's mother, walked down behind them. Mrs Davies set Lucy down and she walked wearily over to me.

"Hi Lucy. No need to be nervous, I just want to talk." I started. I've always loved kids, so I hope this would be easy and effective.

"My name's Lieutenant Rogerstone-Montgumery, and this is Lieutenant Vasquez, we're fire fighters, so it's out job to keep you and your family safe." I gestured for her to sit on the sofa and she did.

"So, why are you here? Are we not safe?" she so innocently asked.

"Not quite. I hear you like to play with the knobs on the oven." she looked confused, "The twisty things?" she nodded.

"Yeah, I like the ticky sound they make!" she laughed.

"Well, to keep you and your family safe, you mustn't play with them. Those twisty things turn the oven on, which means a very dangerous gas will fill the house. The gas could set something on fire, and you wouldn't want that, would you?"

"No! Fires are only for the fire pit outside!" she pouted.

"Yes, well done. So, promise me you won't go playing with the twisty things?" I held out my pinky for to take, which she did.

"I promise." she firmly stated.

"Okay," I confirmed, "Is there anything else you want us to look at while we're here?" I said, standing to face Mrs Davies.

"Uh, no thank you. But we're grateful that you talked to Lucy, she can be quite stubborn sometimes." Mrs Davies expressed.

"It was no problem. And besides, kids just need to here it from the right people sometimes." I say. I look at Chelsea and seemed to have not taken her eyes off of me. "If that's all then we'll be going. Goodbye." I say once Vasquez has put everything away.

Without further or due, we left the Davies residence and got back into the Aid Car.

"Jordyn, that chick was totally into you." Vasquez said as I drove off.

"Which one?" I asked. I knew full well which one.

"Chelsea, I think her name was? She knew you, and you knew her. What was that about?"

"She works at the café I like to go to. I got her number as well." I wiggled my eyebrows and smiled childishly.

"Fair enough. Do you like her?" she asked suggestively.

"I think we could be friends." I replied, playing dumb.

"I hate you." she mumbled.

"No you don't." I laughed.


I was able to go home after we got the Aid Car back to the station. I got to my apartment and slumped down into my sofa. I decided to text Chelsea.

Hey, it's Jordyn :)

Hi :)

How are you?

I'm fine, a little stressed but fine. Wbu?

Pretty much the same lol. Wanna talk about your stress?

You're an angel.

Please. Have you looked in the mirror? 💅

She laughed it off and we spent the next few hours talking about her stress, my stress, everything and nothing. I think Vasquez is right, I might like her.

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