Chelsea XXXII

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Ah. Christmas Eve. My most favourite night of the year. I get to spend it with family, in this year's case, with Jordyn, and I get to drink hot chocolate and eat sweets and watch festive films.

But I don't think I'll be doing that this year. No. Jordyn's family has a tradition of singing Christmas songs until its time for bed. And to be honest, I'm having an awesome time.

We did a bit of karaoke. Even I did. I don't think my voice is that great, but Jordyn won't leave me alone about it. Saying I sound awesome. We can agree to disagree.

"I've had enough of karaoke. I want a capella!" Kate declares. Everyone cheers and it's almost like it was planned because Jordyn, Apollo, Hayley, Raphie and Milo get up and stand in front of everyone. Milo and her mom always spend Christmas with the RogerMonts. I guess because it's just them. But it only adds to the community.

Apollo counts them in and they start performing, You're A Mean One, Mr Grinch but the Pentatonix version.

Holy shit, Jordyn is singing the bass line. And she can go low. So can Apollo, jeez. And Raphie beat boxes? And Milo and Hayley have wonderful voices.

They all do. Apart from Raphie, she hasn't sung yet.

Now they're performing The Twelve Days Of Christmas. Also the Pentatonix version. I think all the a capella will be Pentatonix.

In this song I get to hear everyone's voices and colour me stunned. In a good way, of course.

It's about ten fifteen when we call it a night because we know the kids will be up early.

Jordyn leads me to her bedroom and throws herself into bed. I close the door and do the same, cuddling into her.

"You just know at least three of my siblings are having Christmas sex." she jokes.

"Yeah probably." I laugh.

"This is a special Christmas for me." she says, softly.

"Why's that?"

"Because its my first Christmas with you. And that makes is so much more awesome than getting presents and Mom and Mama's amazing cooking. You're the ultimate gift. And I'll thank the universe for it. For you. I love you Chelsea."

"I'm gonna cry. I love you, too." I whine.

"Goodnight. Merry Christmas."  Jordyn says.

"Goodnight. Merry Christmas." I reply. She kisses my forehead and I kiss her chin. And let the night take us away as we wait for Christmas morning.


I hear tiny, little footsteps pat around the floor outside our room. I'm assuming one of the kids are going to the bathroom.

I check the time on my phone and see it's seven thirty AM. Which is a lie-in on Christmas in my family.

Next thing I know, I feel a person jump on mine and Jordyn's legs.

It's Bennie.

"Merry Christmas, sleepy heads!" she cheers. Jordyn manages to sleep through that.

"You are such a child. For a thirty-two year old woman, you sure have the mental age of that of a five year old." I scold, jokingly.

"Whatever. Jordyn! Wake up. We're all waiting on you two!" Bennie says shaking Jordyn. She still doesn't budge.

"Just go back out there, I'll handle her." I tell Bennie. She reluctantly obliges.

"Jordyn, babe. It's Christmas, let's get up now."

She opens one eye and breathes out, "Is she gone?" she asks.

"Is who gone?"

"Bennie." she states, sitting up.


"Thank god. Every year, she beats the shit outta me because I don't wake up early enough. Jokes on her this year. I got my girlfriend to protect me. Merry Christmas, babe." she explains before pulling me in to the most delicious kiss/make-out ever. When we pull away, I'm out of breath and flustered.

"Merry Christmas to you, too." I breathe.

We get up and both go to the toilet in turn. And then we're sitting on the floor with the rest of Jordyn's family.

"Merry Christmas, now open your presents!" Tina exclaimed. Gotta love Tina.

Ruth and Zoey hand out the presents to everyone and once we're all situated, we start opening them. I got quite a few presents, more than I should really but I'm not complaining.

I got so many notebooks and I'm actually really excited about it. I love writing and taking notes. It's amazing.

Billie and Danny bought me a shit tonne of writing materials, and the nice and expensive kind too.

Kate got me really comfy hoodie and Tina got me some amazingly scented perfumes.

Bennie bought me a coffee maker.

I got an amazing mug from Apollo that says, "Wait... Let Me Overthink This." Hey, it's what I do.

Ruth and Zoey bought me and Jordyn matching beanie hats, which have cute little dinosaurs on them.

Hayley, Kathryn and Eliza said that their gift was a joint effort and pushed out a massive box. It had a drum set inside. But they said I can only put it up and use it once I live in my own house, I don't think our neighbours back at the apartment would appreciate loud drums.

From Jaydyn and Fender, I got some sweet tshirts that have things to do with coffee on them. As well as some nice bracelets and necklaces.

Raphie gave me hers personally and told me that it reminded her of me. It was the cutest teddy dog and I loved it. Jordyn will have to make space on the bed.

I look around and see everyone enjoying the presents I got for them too. Especially Jordyn, and I got lots of kisses and excited hugs. Which is a win for me.

The time came to open Jordyn's presents. The first one was the picture of us that Amber took in the café. On the frame it said, "Where it started."

The next one is a beautiful drawing of two women who closely resemble my characters on a beach, all romantic and holding hands. That one was amazing, I love it. I could use it as the front cover. Lightbulb.

The last one was another drawing, but of a tree with pink, green and yellow leaves. It's seems to be in a park and this tree is very large. There was an envelope attached to the inside of the wrapping paper.


There's a park that I know of that has this tree. Some people look at this tree in awe. Others see it as a disgrace and should be cut down. Everyone should see this tree. Because this tree, is not like any other.

You see, this tree grows an inch taller each week and a new branch every day. And on that branch, more leaves appear. Although I mentioned that this tree is not like any other, there are more of its kind, what makes it different, is the reason it grows at such a peculiar rate.

This tree grows for something that is unique to this world. That is our love. Each inch of height is equal to the depth of our love and it only grows. Each branch is a day of experience and it only grows. Each leaf is a new reason I love you and it only grows.

You see? My love, it only grows. Never shrinks or stays the same. It only grows.

Should someone hurt the tree, it bounces back, only stronger. Should someone not like the tree, why should the tree care? They don't have to look at it. And if people want to climb the tree, then they are family.

This tree can endure hell. And it'll withstand it all. Just like my love for you.

And it only grows

                 Yours always,  Jordyn.

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