Chelsea IX

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Jordyn took me back to her place and I made sure she ate, as well as myself. We have been through a lot today. She saved me, I owe her the world.

We both showered and went to bed. I'm gonna call in sick tomorrow. I'm going to have Jordyn do the same, I'm still a little shook and besides, I need clothes. Jordyn hates me for it but I saved my phone and wallet. They're essential if you ask me.

I fell asleep with no issue, but I have a feeling that it won't be like that for the next couple of days.


I was able to convince Jordyn to call in sick and take me shopping. She said its because she is still a bit anxious and she doesn't want to leave me alone for a while. So I might be taking her to school with me.

We were at the mall, since I have no clothes and am currently borrowing Jordyn's. We walk around, hand in hand in Hot Topic. I think Jordyn likes this shop. She had picked up a few t-shirt and jeans as well as some badges and hats.

"Chelsea. Come see." she said with an excited smile. I made my way to her and she was looking at two rings. One black, with a white dragon, and the other one white with a black dragon. She gave me a questioning look. I held my hand out to her.

"Which finger?"

She slid the white one ring onto my middle finger and it fit really well. The other ring also fit her so she kept them in her hand to pay.

As soon as she did, we slipped them back on and it felt nice. I felt closer to her.

"I love dragons. They're the animals of my country." she said proudly.

"Were you not born in the US?"

"I was, my heart belongs to Wales. A full Welshy at heart." she said.

Did I mention that she was adorable?

Jordyn took me to the apple store to get me a new laptop for school. We also went to Starbucks since Jordyn is obsessed. She's so stereotypically gay.

Once we were done we got into the car.

"Do you want to meet my parents?" she asked me. I was surprised, to say the least but I'd like to meet them to see first hand where Jordyn got her flawlessness from.

"Absolutely, I do." I reply calmly.

Jordyn rang her Mama and put it on speaker.

"What's up?" she answered.

"Hey Mama. I was wondering if you guys were busy? I'd like you to meet someone." Jordyn told her Mama.

"Kate! Kate! Jordyn has got a girlfriend!" she screamed to who I assume to be her wife on the other end.

"What?! No way!" I heard another woman say. Then some commotion.

"Jordyn? Is it true?" the other woman said.

Jordyn looked at me. I nodded.

"Yeah, it is." she said. We just unofficially made it official.

"What's her name?"

"Well, you can meet her if I bring her over."

"You better. Loves you, see you soon. Bye." and then her mom ended the call.

"We have no choice but to go over now." Jordyn said.

"Are you sure about the girlfriend stuff? I'd understand if it's too early-" I cut her off by kissing her. That's our second kiss.

"I am sure. Let's go, girlfriend." I say.

We arrive at her parents, which is a pretty nice house.

Jordyn walks straight in and I follow behind her.

"Mommy? Mama?" she called out.

Just from the front door, I could see the kitchen and living room. To the left of the door, a set of stairs that went down. Not necessarily a basement, the front door was just raised a floor.

Two women came from the hall that came into the living room. They both smiled and embrace Jordyn immediately.

"Hi, Jordie." they both said. They pulled back and looked at me. Now I know where Jordyn gets her height from.

The taller one of the two was blonde and had bright blue eyes. She was very fit and I can see that Jordyn has her smile. Actually, Jordyn looks a lot like her, the only difference is that she has brown eyes and brown hair like Zoey.

The shorter one had brown hair that cascaded like Bennie's, in waves and reached her mid section. Only she had two blue eyes, and not just one like her daughter.

These two women were hot. They'd turn my head if they walked into the same room as me. And they didn't look old enough to have anybody older that five as child. The looked as young as Zoey.

"Hi. I'm ChristinaJo, just call me Tina. I'm Jordyn's Mama." the blonde said. I see where Jordyn gets her accent as well.

"I'm Kathryn, but call me Kate and I'm Jordyn's mom. If you call me Kathryn, sleep with one eye open." the brunette joked. At least I hope.

"I'm Chelsea. It's great to meet you both. I've heard lovely things about you." I smile.

"Aw, Jordyn." Tina said making a fuss of her daughter. "You're such a lovely girl."

"I wonder who I got it from?" Jordyn said.

"Obviously from me." Kate said. I like her, she's funny.

"It's nearly five. Are you gonna stay home for dinner?" Tina asked.

Jordyn looked to me. I shrugged. I wouldn't mind staying her for a little longer.

"Yes please, Mama." Jordyn said.

"I'm gonna get your sisters." Tina stayed as she walked to the stairs by the door. Jordyn sat us down on the couch.

"You lot! Get up here, now!" she shouted down the stairs. I noticed that when she said 'here', it actually came out as 'yure'. I guess it's a Welsh thing.

Three blonde teenagers, who look exactly like Tina, came up the stairs. The only difference between them was height. They must be the triplets. Then, two more girls appeared from the hall in front of me. They looked exactly like Kate. Twins.

The tallest triplet saw Jordyn and literally jumped on her.

"I missed you, Jordyn." she said. She sounded like Lucy. In terms of how she speaks not sounds.

"Hey, Raphie, I missed you too. This is Chelsea, my girlfriend. Chelsea this is Raphael, but call her Raphie." Jordyn explained.

"Hi, Chelsea." Raphie said.

"Hi, Raphie."

"That's, Hayley and Apollo." Jordyn said, point to the other two triplets, who waved as their names were spoken. Hayley was the shortest triplet, and Apollo was slightly shorter than Raphie.

"Princess Hayley." I teased.

"Jordyn!" Hayley whined.

"It was Bennie. Not me!" Jordyn defended, but still hugging Raphie.

"That's Eliza and Kathryn." Jordyn pointed at the twin girls who also waved when their name was spoken. The only difference between the two were their eyes, Eliza had blue eyes and Kathryn had green eyes.

This was quite the family.

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